I did like DP and still sort of like him, but I am not sure if he is movie material. He is generally kind of off-the-wall. A origin type movie might work, if they would keep a somewhat grim tone about it. But I don't think anyone wants a grim DP ^^
I did like DP and still sort of like him, but I am not sure if he is movie material. He is generally kind of off-the-wall. A origin type movie might work, if they would keep a somewhat grim tone about it. But I don't think anyone wants a grim DP ^^
Yeah, I agree. I think they wanted to surprise the viewer, by having a seemingly nervous and modest guy who tried this for the first time turn out to be nasty and attacking Niska.
True, as long as something is a "object" it is usually considered ok. Though in this case the objects are humanized, so it would be debatable if that is or is not wrong.
I thought Sherlock had a heroin or opium addiction. But I have absolutely no clue where I got that from; I only read at most a handful Sherlock Holmes stories.
True. They made him likable. I guess a bit like the boy next door? ;)
I wonder if Jonas and Angelica worked for/with Whispers at some point because they were threatened or something? Maybe they got something out of it, or maybe they regretted it? But it could also be that Yrsa assumed they were collaborators based on very little or just on suspicion.
Maybe that is because there was pretty much only praise for DD? Sense8 is by no means bad, but there are still things in the story you can be critical about. E.g., not enough action, not enough connection between the sensates, too many stories/characters, some uninteresting stories, dialogue heavy, somewhat slow, etc.…
I read somewhere a theory…
I don't think Nomi had a seatbelt on, so it is a little surprising she remained completely seating and in driving shape after Capheus did that flip ;)
I am not sure (so correct me if I am wrong), but was Dani's father not implied to be some sort of gangster/druglord? If that is the case, I wonder why she could not use her father before she even got embroiled with Lito and Hernandom. Just to give the abuser some serious lessons about not coming near her or her…
That is why I wrote useless between quotation marks and mentioned that sensates might not be simply be all about skills or knowledge; that it is perhaps also what someone brings to the table overall emotionally, mentally (wisdom, being down to earth, seeing both pros and cons, etc.).
They could always in cooperate the idea that clusters are naturally balanced out. Throw in some evolution stuff about survival of the fittest by combining different people to counter balance each other and work together. That everyone has strengths and the weaker attributes they have are compensated by the other…
*SPOILERS…sort of*
Criminal skills sounds kind of broad; what are those skills exactly? Will does the handcuff picking, which I thought would fit Wolfgang more seen he is part thief. Same with the proficiency with guns; both Will and Wolfgang. Perhaps even Lito somewhat. And hand to hand combat can be done by Wolfgang and both Sun and…
Even if he does not get the 50k, I still find it a pretty decent accomplishment to get halfway there. If only he was able to reflect and lacked the displaced bitter resentment, disrespect, envy and anger he might have actually appreciated that.
That kind of sucks. I guess I can understand why you would try to downplay your height a bit. Humans tend to be visual creatures, though not everyone to the same degree. But yeah, getting stereotyped (positive or negative) is hard to avoid sometimes if you have a certain feature or look.
I also thought that being tall would usually not register as a turn off for women, if you're a guy. I thought that most women would accept (very) tall guys =/ How tall or short someone is at the bottom of my list of things I specifically look for in another person.