
That is not what I am saying at all. I am actually saying just the opposite. I am saying that there are millions of people who have seen Bay movies and thought they were good. There are hundreds of thousands who saw this Transformers movie and thought it was good. Yet, despite those majority opinions, articles like

Haha… this is what I have been saying. Explosions, action sequences and T and A… its not that hard to figure out why people like it.

Right, but, the millions of people who think his films are good don't feel compelled to log onto the internet and post articles about it (I am commenting because I like the banter, but most people don't) and so what you have is a false bubble. A vocal minority of a few thousand critics or so who post posts that are

But that is exactly my point. Why is it on sites like this it seems to be a foregone conclusion that Michael Bay films are bad, despite the fact that we (as in people who post on sites like this) are a vocal minority? It is stated as fact that Michael Bay movies are "bad". All I am saying is that they aren't "bad"

Off topic: Was anyone else as freaked out as I was that Nicola Peltz looked so much like a young Tara Reid in this movie? It was unsettling. I kept having to tell myself "Tara Reid is not Benjamin Button, Tara Reid is not Benjamin Button".

But if millions of people enjoy something, who am I, you, or this other guy to decide for them that it isn't good? If I think it is good and you think it is bad, who is the judge who decides? I would say the market is the best indication of what is "good". If the audience it is marketed at sees it and enjoys it,

Let me clear it up for you… there is a chick that looks like Tara Reid when she was hot (before the slutting, drinking, drugging, plastic surgery, etc.) running around in short shorts, there is a hot guy for the younger women and an older hot guy for the housewives (guys don't care what age the t and a is), there are

Sometimes the neckbeards wearing their socks with sandals typing Michael Bay reviews while sitting on the Starbucks patio make me want to quit watching my Fall of Cybertron blu ray on my 4K 80 inch TV .. and run off into the hills, or wherever.

Bayham sounds like the name of a sandwich in one of those shops that names sandwiches after celebs.

I am not threatened… I just feel like it is dumb to treat this movie like you are expecting Lawrence of Arabia and got duped… which is how most of the articles and comments are written.

Exactly. I just feel like most people who post criticism on his movies act like we don't know this is what we are getting… like he has tricked his audiences by promising Forest Gump with robots. He never tries to hide the fact that he is pandering to the largest possible audience by providing explosions, t and a,


I am going to post an unpopular opinion among neckbearded hipsters on the internet… you don't decide what is good and bad, the box office does. Bay's movies are good because they do what they are intended to do, put arses in seats in theaters. You can write 500 articles on how much his latest movie sucks, but he