

I thought so.

You gotta be chidding me.

Hey, when you "buy a vowel," does that potentially increase your winnings?

I guess it's true: life, ah… finds a way.

Oh good, the large smelly beardo was able to comprehend the meaning of my post.

God, these movies are atrocious.

Which one had the little girl knock out the dinosaur using the power of gymnastics?

But the lens flares come with a free frogurt!

Go fuck yourself, internet.

The only thing I disliked about Furious 7 was Itchy Aureola's cameo, so this particular instance of pandering is enough to dissuade me from seeing Zoolander 2 in the theatre altogether. Unless he gets doused in gasoline and set on fire. For real.

And I said "Yes, yes, yes!"

Yeah, and don't skimp on the pate.

I'm posting from my bunk.

How could you tell?

That deserves an upvote, I just can't bring myself to do it. Really hate that shit.

And you should add an "A" and be boratman; great success!

I've told you a million times, I have a glandular problem and I'm very sensitive about it. Jeez!

And how the fuck is the show still called Veep when she's the president now? It's as if words literally don't have literal meanings anymore. ROFL ;) #poopemoji

Ich bin nicht Fräulein Schneider.