
No! No, no no no no no no no no.


The Benedict Cumberbatch.

My name is Cock Summers. I'm a mutant. If I ever take off this red ruby underwear my ray dick would impregnate any woman standing within a mile in front of me.

That's TX sex ed for you.

Whatever you do, don't let that dick ray shoot you in the eye!

Why are we not discussing this ridiculous "ray-dicks" comic?

I'll punch you into a comma.

The First Church of Statham Pugilist.

I hear you can't get Admiral Akbar away from the snack bar.

Your last statement is… inscrutable.

Are you kidding? They loved that shit, those corporate hippie sellouts.

"A growing trend among Millennials is feeling an enervating emptiness at the instant commodification of everything they say or fleetingly enjoy…"

Blob Dole doesn't need this.

I just called to say "What number did I dial?"

I, too, thought it would be difficult to dismiss an entire art form but I was wrong.

Great job, Ms. E.

I had to look that up and it's a cartoon. Newsflash: cartoons are for children. I'm talking about a live action feature in which the Rock takes out bad guys by shooting muscle cars at them. Pew pew pew! "I am an adult with sophisticated tastes, woman!" shouts the Rock. Unfazed, Jason Statham continues to eat his

And then he crashes through a glass window that's ten stories up, lands in the cockpit of his super badass mech, and arms the cannons.

@Sillstaw described his brother as not picking up on very explicit social cues. This is a symptom of Asperger's and prompted me to wonder if there was something about anime that made it attractive to people on the spectrum. It was not my intention to conflate the entire Asperger's community with public masturbators.