
Your mom?
Edit: as in "doing your mom after graduation."
Edit: as in you never said what he was doing and the suspense is killing my boner for your mom.

Communicate entirely in sports references? Would they not know how to respond to "DENTAL PLAN?"


I don't know, it seems that if I can listen to it here then it's already released.

Can we get some consistency out of Melissa? At times she appears to be aware of how crazy Phil and Carol are and other times she's totally on board with their warped reality. Which is it, Melissa? WHICH???

Holy shit, at the very least watch the opening credits:

It could have been, but it was more like some kind of precarious emotional structure that became unbalanced and overwhelmed everything in its path.

Who would do such a thing?

Somehow I got the impression from Force Majeure's trailer that it was a comedy, but the movie turned out to be cold and horrifying.

You narrowly avoided my trap. Scumbag.

Yes, in the same way that NAMBLA might.

I don't care how much she loves her vibrator, Florence should not have named her band after it.

Humerus and explain how "Biehn" sounds like "bone."

Now that dementia it, I can't recall either.

If you can't take the banana scene then just go watch Bananas. Moron.

In a chaotic universe there can be no regularity.

They could put whatever's left of Hicks in a robot body. But I'm guessing Robocop vs. Aliens is already an actual thing.

Well, well, a satirical piece in the Times is one thing, but nuking the site from orbit really gets right to the point.

Buzz "Lightyear" Alien.

Stop making fun of this man for his name, he's only human!