
Spotty? Did they ever use a blacklight to spotify his play room?

Shut up, Fabio!

CGI rendered stop-motion sock puppets.


Tron 3: I'm Somewhere Where I Don't Know Where I Am

But how did so much Jizz get in my Zune?

Are they talking about the bordello?

Neither is "Carice." What is she, Dutch?

O R'hllor?

No, he just heard that she's willing to fuck her directors.

Sounds like that leads to a universe full of primitive screwheads.

Sure, he's hot, but I don't think he's hot enough to melt steel. I'm guessing that's why the towers are juxtaposed over him in that image up there.

Can someone please direct me to the universe where none of this shit is happening?

Busty Ghostbusters

This one seemed a little too stagey, a little too look-at-me. At least it did in the scenes between Mike and his daughter-in-law.


I paid 10k for this thing; no way am I taking it on any adventures.

Es verdad, El Google es mas o menos.

You've just revealed your true identity, Super Bitch Bauer!

Have you tried using El Google?