
We have top men patching the server right now. Top. Men.

"I'm very sleepy because of the drugs mummy gave me."

Again we see there is no data you can possess which I cannot illegally download.

Haven't read the book, but there was an ironic "God Bless America" poster in one scene that clued me in to just what the fuck the film was about. It's like a toned down Killer Joe.

It's too bad that once a book is adapted to film all the copies of the book are irrevocably destroyed.

Did you also laugh out loud? Because that kid cracked me up and the scenes with cops/social workers were funnier than the scary scenes were scary.

I had really high expectations going in and what I saw was pretty good, but I think it would have worked better if it had devoted itself to either psychodrama or supernatural horror. The balance that was struck was such that the elements of each undermined one another. It seemed like Polanski's Repulsion watered down

*Clutches heart, grasps for support, collapses, crushes furniture

Spanish dongs
In the mouth of tu esposa
Abra la boca, por los Spanish dongs

*Glowers and breathes heavily

Ladies Love Chili.

I was underwhelmed by The Babadook.


Cho on Chochas
Madge's Vadges

Mail is fine, just make sure nothin' gonna break-a your stride on the way to the mailbox.

Cho Not Doin' It Right

He may have brushed some of the ignorance off of his shoulder but it appears that there's still a load of it dripping down his face.

Will we get a 'fro-down showdown?!?!

Wahlburgers > Beatin' up Vietnam Vets

"Nick Offerman worked for years to find a role that suited his talented as well as Parks And Recreation’s Ron Swanson…"