

Remember the buttusi?

Stinks like dairy air.

Will it feature "Shark! The Herald Angels Sing?"

I tried but that made my monitor stop working.

Your statement just doesn't add up.

Haven't seen it since it was in the theaters but I remember finding it tedious and the egg imagery to be off-putting.

I was thinking the relentlessness of my wet willy-ing would result in sufficient horror and disgust, but I guess this method would only be effective against type-A germophobes. Unless it was a poisonous wet willy or maybe wet with super potent LSD.

Or you could be a psycho killer on the road to nowhere putting sand in the vaseline while listening to Radiohead.

Kind of complicated. Maybe you should just be burning down the house.

The Dampener. Like, I'd wet willy my victims until they killed themselves.

It's code for "robosexual." Because obviously Sarah Connor becomes impregnated by Pops, thus it's the semy-incystuous genisys of cybyrg/humyn robosexyl hybryds .

Stupid sorcerer justice warriors ruin everything.

You'd better run, egg!

I could sure go for a slice of manifest destiny pizza, loaded with buffalo meatballs and accompanied by a commemorative Redskins pint glass.

It's not backwards day.

"How do I change my username to 'innocuous octopus?'"
Isn't it obvious?

Welcome to ice planet Hof.

Ultron is a robot. He has no tongue and therefore doesn't need a moving jaw in order to speak.

Like what? Could you beema specific?