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    Even ignoring all the liberties with timeline on the show. Isn't Jon younger than Daenerys or at most the same age? Dany and her brother begin their exile around when she is 2 yrs old and Jon is born at the end of Robert's Rebellion.

    Forgot his name but Baraetheon boy still rowing out there

    Am I the only one who thinks Daenerys and Jon romance would be horribly uninteresting and awkward? Dany "What's your ambition in life? I want to rule the 7 Kingdoms, end slavery, unify the world." Jon "Night's King… yeah that's about it."

    I felt Tyrion was in Dany's eyes a replacement for Barristan Selmy - good political knowledge of Westeros and not afraid of speaking his mind. I am sure that she trusts Grey Worm and Missandei (or even Jorah) more but they won't step up and stop her from torching a city. The rest of the people in her "council" are

    If Varys gets word about King's Landing massacre and Olenna has enough time to travel to Dorne, presumably that would be enough time for word to get to Varys that Dany is back in Mereen.

    Unless Ramsey has superpower detecting hormone levels of pregnant women wrapped in large cloaks, it would be near impossible for him to know.

    Did Lady Mormont kinda hang back there with Sansa or jump in the human wall of confusion too? I'm a bit worried about her.

    Sansa did the pragmatic thing to hold back knowledge of the troops and Littlefinger timed it conveniently - his scouts must have told him about the where the battle takes place. It was certainly a "savior" moment but I don't think Littlefinger brought enough people to add that significantly to Jon's numbers - maybe

    Probably from watching too many Asian ancient war dramas, but I do wish that they showed a defiant Rickon who would not run out lure Jon no matter what because he even knew it was a trap. Then Ramsay ties him to a horse and makes the horse drag Rickon out. Then the rest plays out with Jon being emotional and

    I just kept thinking the Waif needs to go back and train on that whole anonymous killing thing. The chase was worse than a public execution where they sent evites out in advance.

    I think 5 minutes of Lyanna Mormont finally counteracted a whole season of Sand Snakes.

    Bravos is Faceless Men headquarters. There have got to be more spies/assassins than just Jaquen and Waif. If she has to do stumbling show, it is for the whole town. I think she leaves with the theater troupe.

    I just can't deal with the idea of Arya being that stupid

    I hope I'm not giving story too much credit - I have to believe that the Arya stabbing was on purpose. She knows J'aquen (and presumably any other assassin) frequently travels even as far as King's Landing for assignments. She will have the rest of her life to watch out for sneak attacks, why not use Waif's blind

    Sunny = "Sunwukong" aka monkey king

    I guess no one saw the interview: