Michael Durkin

No mention in Assorted Musings of how Danny got the drop on Harold(literally), knocked him down & the gun from his hand, and…ran away?!?

Said it before, I'll say it again: Can the Powers That Be pretend Iron Fist never happened or replace him with Bruce Leroy?

"To its credit, the episode uses both Hogarth and Claire to call out the
many, many ridiculous choices the show’s protagonists make,"

Am I on crazy pills? Balderdash! The lot of ya

Primanti's is a drunk child's attempt at a reuben. It is garbage

DiNic's mediocre. Try John's Roast Pork instead

I liked when Danny charged his fist and spun around to sock Bakuto and…whiffed. You fucking suck Danny.

If you're cribbing from 1990's TMNT movies you failed not only as a writer but as a human being as well.

This show. I'm seriously considering rewatching the series with two of my friends who haven't seen it and recording our conversations to be used as a commentary track

They use a technique called "Serenity Now"

Even the opening credits of this show is boring as fuck

I can't wait until the reviews get to the part you shaded over. I did a spit take when I saw it.

Petition to drop Iron Fist from The Defenders and pretend it never happened

"And when that honor didn’t magically fix his existential dread, Danny
panicked and impulsively fled back to his old life, hoping to find
meaning there instead."

My favorite line is when Danny gets caught breaking into the lab and he's like, "You're the only one I could turn to." Dude…you didnt go to her for help. She caught you.

Why do The Hand have street level dealers in DD s1 when Gao had infiltrated Rand 15 years prior and is making money hand over fist(no pun intended) selling pharma and synthetic/legal heroin?

Yeah, weren't they supposed to blow it up and they just forgot about it?

Is he supposed to be like Jack Burton or something?

"Hopefully the next few episodes will make better use of the Chinese local"

See also how court rooms and newspapers are presented in Daredevil