Michael Durkin

He reminds me of if Justin Long and James Brolin had a baby

Why were there 3 chairs, glasses, plates, sets of silverware, and Cornish game hens if he thought it was just gonna be him and Colleen?

I agree and then she just bails. Da fuck? This show is awful


I'm 8 episodes in and had the same thought

It's horrendous

No, it doesn't. This is such a trainwreck, I'm starting to like it in a MST3K way. It's like a kung fu version of Big sometimes

God damn, what happened to Ashanti? Too much surgery, boo. Looking like Lil Kim nowadays. Not a good look.

Sorry, thought it was boring and the few actions scenes were repetitive. The whole assassin society thing was mysterious and quirky the first time. Now it's too cute and absurd. Their was some missed opportunities in regards to plot points. And my biggest pet peeve is that the movie exists to set up a sequel. Boo

Why dont you cry about it?

Speech was meh

Really? I thought it sucked.

John Wick 2: John Wicker

John Wick? More like John Wack. This movie stunk

There was a Genesis X-Men game that was banging

Goddamn it, white America! It's not enough you think all black people look alike, now all black movies do too?!?

The Wolfman lost his bag of hoot
Frankenstein found it inside his boot
The Mummy was acting rotten
Dracula is on Oxycontin

"Jetpacks, helicopters, cars going off cliffs, and bar fights!"

That's the joke!

This review has me way more interested in seeing the film than any of the commercials