
Even with your calculations being only off by 8% (probably because you limited your data circle of research), you get the gist. It's an overwhelming % and wreaking havoc on our societies, and at an alarming rate. Many calculations of socio-propaganda expressions, fail to treat their data as more than a study of land

Since approx. 95% of the so-called music coming out today is effecting a NEGATIVE impact on our children and ourselves with its CONNECTION to and GLORIFICATION of CRIME,DRUGS, SEX, PROFANITY, GREED, MURDER, etc., it would be BENEFICIAL to ourselves and our children to go back to the past and listen to the beautiful

There is is a whole "establishment" that includes Hollywood folks, musicians, managers, and others that either get kickbacks or benefit in some way from the "justifying" of this unanimously determined musical theivery. If you study the money flow from this stealing, you can see who is who, and hiding the breadth of