
These reviews are told through the eyes of a very sensitive person

For the same reason Amy schumers vagina jokes aren't funny.

Holy crap the irony of these reviews being written by a social justice warrior should not be lost on the reader. If you get past that it almost adds an extra dimension to the show, showing how people are so wrapped up in their ideologies.

Both choices do suck. Clinton is obviously the more qualified candidate though.

It's not pseudo cynicism. Having worked in politics for a long time there's no reason no to be cynical. It's all just vapid talking points and a popularity contest based on mob mentality. The most realistic portrayal of politics is Veep if that helps you understand.

Yes but it's also a joke that Trumps sexual history is just the sort that his supporters would get all over Bill for yet don't seem to care

It's a f'in cartoon man. Satire is supposed to be satirical not an "accurate portrayal".

No the author clearly brings his politics into it. I'm voting for Clinton but jeez that was clearly a funny part of the episode

It's almost as if the only way for Hillary could win would be for her to run against a racist incompetent.

No the critique boils down to their political satire being for because t doesn't conform to the authors.

And there's nothing wrong with making fun of her debate performance

That's been one of the main themes of South Park throughout the years. It's pretty funny how the author and others complain about it.

Like the author you didn't realize Randy made their point in his rant at the bar. Hillary may not be the best candidate ever but for god sakes you can't vote for an idiot like trump who is doing everything he can to not win yet is winning. You don't have to kiss Hillrys ass to win over the undecided. You have to be

Clinton really was robotic and her demeanor sucked but we are electing a president not battlefield commender. Shit even Mace Tyrell gave a pretty rousing speech. If we were voting for high energy good speakers I mean we would vote Mussolini or Hitler. Bad guys but man could they give a speech

Not really. They seem to take a stance a lot. But this is the internet and everyone's a complainer including me complaining about complainers

He was implying in this case and others. My point was also not just two choices, but that you don't have to take any "stance" sometimes.

"But the difference between him and Garrison is that Garrison actually is being honest, and Trump is…well, not. "

"But the “Everything sucks” viewpoint is also somewhat of a copout for South Park these days, giving credence to the frequent criticism that the show often resorts to not choosing one stance over another."

Steal my sunshine is a great tune. Music nerds be damned

This chick is a total party. Were the liberals always as pearl clutching fun destroyers as conservative Midwesterners?