There was another one like that. "Thin man" or something. "Skinny guy". You thought you were getting a horror movie, but instead you get preaching.
There was another one like that. "Thin man" or something. "Skinny guy". You thought you were getting a horror movie, but instead you get preaching.
It sounds like they are suckering horror fans into seeing a think piece about feelings.
Max Frost
Don't feel bad. The humor comes from the nervous laughter you make because once you have a child it becomes the most important thing in the world. So him joking about yelling at his kids, and calling them stupid makes you laugh as a parent.
You'll grow up someday. Have your own kids. Then you'll realize how hilarious his bits about his children are.
He may be the greatest comedian alive currently. He's that good. My God, just go to YouTube and search for "being white". I've never laughed so hard in my life.
Counterpoint: I haven't seen chemistry between characters this BELIEVABLE in years. I'm talking His Girl Friday level chemistry. If you told me they were married in real life, I'd believe you. I want to know more about their story. I'd love for there to be a canvas just for them. Because they work so well. Why? They…
?? Google is winning lol. It's just lame to pick on the winner out of jealousy is all.
Wow. That's like a whole new level of duh. You can click on my pic.
Azumanga was so good that even the blatant copies (k-on, lucky star) are also rather good.
It is a good show. Lots of consideration goes into it.
I remember the original /b thread where bronies were born. I believe they have it archived. The amusing thing being it started as a way to make a 500 post hate thread and nothing more. Nobody thought it would become "real".
All the good ones get taken. I used to use Loc-Nar like some uber hipster and it was never taken. But eventually even that would be taken. So I became myself.
Batman. It's all about being Batman. Deadpool is more awesome though.
Maybe if you were a smurf or a carebear it would have more impact.
I'm just saying, I'm using my actual name and likeness. It's weird being personally attacked by someone that has nothing else when they are a fictional horse from the 80's toy aisle.
I'd point out that you are pretending you are a little girl's toy.
Is there something wrong with liking the best things? Am I an "Apple Fanboi" because I like my iPad? Does the fact that what I'm saying is true suddenly become untrue because you imagine yourself some modern day veronica mars?