
I would like to know more about their parents. That has to be a fucking Stepford factory of religious insanity.

Yeah, the article is unnecessary and knows it.

Right…Lori Laughlin.

Think we overshot the runway here, bruh.

What the fuck does "fusty" mean?

I do miss that. Before video stores died—and even before Blockbuster and its ilk started carrying 75 copies of the latest movie on the shelves (and little else)—being the person that got your local store's one copy of, say, Top Gun was a mixture of victory and holy blessing that future generations will just never

Never tell anyone IRL. Ever. You die with it.

That fucking thing might still be playing and my eyes have just white noise-d it into invisibility. I know for certain it played for at least 6 months straight in the town I grew up in.

What is "MRA?"

Did the guys bring the ham sandwich with them? Or did, like, he suck their dick and then they took him out for a ham sandwich? Like when you buy your buddy a case of beer for helping you move. "Hey, John, I really appreciate you sucking my dick. Let's go grab a ham sandwich."

That's fucking awesome.

Slave women in the antebellum south had a lot of agency, did they?

Tarantino getting the vapors from the cultural insensitivity of another director is so fucking myopic and unaware that it deserves some kind of award.

This from the writer/director that showed a guy's eyeball popping out and flopping about the goal line during a football game in "Any Given Sunday".

Is this a fucking real thing?