
Since this comment I've finished one book and and working on a second.

Marsha P Johnson is a major part of the movie - so she hasn't been removed. They just don't focus on her story. You also can't define her by the 2015 definition of transgender. She has also gone on record stating that Rivera was not there that night.

I've gone and read a bunch of different accounts of Stonewall, and none of them say "It was started by trans women of color primarily". Can you cite that? Because your statement sounds like whitewashing - implying the majority of the people who were there weren't there.

The 1960's experience isn't what we have today. Being gay was illegal in every state except Illinois. Being gay continued to be illegal in some states until Lawrence vs Texas in 2003. Even our understanding of "trans" has changed. "Transexual" didn't mean then what it does today.

I'm seeing a pattern of whenever a movie comes out that has representations of diverse or under represented groups, there is a demand for a boycott because "it doesn't feature the right kind of minority as the main lead". But the rest of Hollywood is just business as normal.