Paulo Felipe

New Twin Peaks is up there with Game of Thrones in the weekly misogynist scene rain check list tradicion.
I bet there's probably some rape until the end of season.

lynch is cool, but probably not. ''its way more than that'' - why? sometimes a dirty old man just want to see some tits

Saul helped, dumbass

Blocked. I don't really give a fuck. la la la la la la

I don't give a fuck what you think its sad.

The attemp failed. It was badly done. And creepy.

People with problem in their genitals think that way.

The among of Chuck hate in those comments reminds me of Skyler hate in the first seasons of Breaking Bad and I feel very sad for the whole audience for not getting it.

Nikki is very obviously just using Ray.

You the lead female officer will die? Have you ever seen Fargo?

Hey, is that plastic surgery for Gus still a good idea?

This a lot better than last season of Louie. Great episode.