Sneezy Deezy McDeluxe

This is sure to be a fair and objective view of her life

This is sure to be a fair and objective view of her life

I watched Dumbo recently and thought "this is what people are so upset about? They're clearly stereotypes, but they're the nicest characters in the film!".
Then they sing a slave song when they're pushing Dumbo to the cliff edge and thinkā€¦ "Yeah, OK."

For me the line that hit home most was his shout of "I fucking hate you!", with zero irony, to a kid he only just met. It was the best

And they were absolutely correct. Megabloks were for kids who came home to empty houses after elementary school

No, that's the far less well made Megabloks documentary, A Mega Blokumentary

In other news, 278,000 people were involved in seemingly unrelated drunk driving incidents last night

That's what pisses me off about the whole thing. When you reduce praise of an actor's ability to a meme, then everything they do is suddenly framed as trying to achieve a bullshit award that his fans care about more than he clearly does

The whole "Leo needs an Oscar" thing has just turned into internet commenters jerking off into their own mouths. Give it a rest.

Is there a more true expression of the human spirit? I doubt it

"So that's it huh? We're patsies? We're some kind of Sisters?"

I was thinking of what I call it when I stick my dick through my open zipper

Geez, I'm surprised they were even awake.

I'm 18, and have my whole life ahead of me! Ah, the joys of youth.

Wow, that action scene was staged in such a way that made literally everyone involved look completely useless.

I love you QT, but one of the reasons I love you is your refusal to get predictable. I am less than excited with the announcement of another Western from Tarantino, despite how much I'm anticipating Hateful 8.

Are there any defective minion toys that say "Somebody call for a webslinger?" or "don't ask me, I'm just a girl"

Little Lord Seinfentleroy?

It's impossible for Hannah to be the least interesting character on a show that includes the fun-vacuum that is Marnie

I sure hope someone was fired for that blunder.