Sneezy Deezy McDeluxe

I sure hope someone was fired for that blunder

"TV celebrity news? On the AV Club!? Never!"

Who loves pun threads? Gree-do!

If time travel WERE possible and WILL happen, then it already HAS happened in the future (or more accurately, the future's past). We'd presumably know about it, as there's no way of convincing humans not to be obvious about it and they'd draw attention to themselves when they travel back to their past (which is our

My goodness, detective, you're right! It was under our noses the whole time!

Satire isn't dead because They Came Together came out last year

I've come to realise that anyone who claims that they are pissed about Bombadil not being in the movies are actually just snobs showing off that they read the book. Tom Bombadil is an awful part of Fellowship even in book form, and even if he wasn't it would make a terrible part of an already slow movie

*teenage boys angrily tweet Gentle Herpes' home address*

It rode away on the dead horse you're beating

Willie Nelson or Simon and Garfunkel. Your choice.

Damn you, Barsanti. You have taken snark to whole new levels: you have preemptively out-snarked everyone's obvious jokes about pod racing. What else do we have? Jingle All the Way? The Rosie O'Donnell Show?

That's not cocaine, that's crusted semen

Geez, what a narc this penis faced anime character is.

Should have been Don Rickles

Whenever I go out,
The people always shout,
"There goes Colby Kristoph Jebadiah Samuelsson-Styles Jr!"

R2-D2 is a phallic symbol

His husband is a selfish lover

Is there somewhere I can donate money to that will recut the Plinkett reviews to omit the weird, unfunny "rape dungeon" thing? His reviews are well thought out and explained but… ick.

I mean, they CAN do it they just choose not to

Ride eternal in Valhalla shiny and chrome, Internet!