Sean McMillan

I think it's less that they are designed to do die after 10 years as much as we as consumers are programmed to replace them at the first small failure. Most appliances are pretty easy to fix and the first failures are usually cheap parts.

at least you didn't have to clean the ball crawl

2 Lambos, good for him. But he has no imagination.

Mmmmm, Checkers

it's just a broken lullaby

I know it aired in NC, my grandfather watched it religiously. Beyond that I don't know.

My humblest apologies. To where should I send your replacement pizza?
but seriously, I was unaware until Skipskatte mentioned it that some ovens superheat to get up to temperature faster. Mine is not that fancy, so this technique works well for me.

There's one that tours through here about twice a year too. It's more common than you'd like to think. And every bar band around here knows how to play Santeria.

They can command a hefty price to serious collectors. 4 or 5 figures for an ugly clay pot. Your friend is a savvy investor.

That Merc was wicked cool. I'm glad they didn't go for the obvious and have him drive a Cobra.

Fair enough. I wouldn't have tried it myself if not for a French roommate with peculiar tastes. I probably wouldn't have made the effort again except my wife decided to make her own diet once based on the color of the food. Pink day was salmon and mashed beets/potatoes. It didn't last long as a diet but was amusing

Try mashed beets and potatoes. It's the best way to eat beets.

I'll second Urban Pie. The one with all the mushrooms is great.

I'd say the 5$ Little Caesar's tastes about as good as any 5$ frozen pizza. Their bacon wrapped deep dish on the other hand was better than it had any right to be. They need to bring that back.

I burned my mouth on those so many times. And yet I kept coming back to them. They were so tasty.

Easily rectified, put the pizza in while the ovens heating and set the timer for a few extra minutes. That whole preheating thing is bullshit.

And it's usually on sale since no one seems to notice its little white box shoved off to the side by the the pizza rolls and boneless wings. A lot of the time they're BOGO or 3 for 10$.

drinking, check. driving,check. traveling the world, grrrrrr. tinkering with things, always. 3 outta 4 ain't bad

I had Myst for the Sega Saturn, and it was a flawed copy. Every time I got to the maze it would just lock up. It took several months to finally get a replacement copy, as they had to repress the whole batch. After all that wait the ending was a bit anticlimactic.

Checkers fries are the best. I was really disappointed when the closest Checkers to me closed.It's a 40 minute drive to the nearest one now and I seldom find myself on that side of town. But now they sell them frozen at my grocery store!