
I'm not part of any group, tubby bubby.
But it is a great suggested distraction. Now, back to the issue at hand. Why do you hate women so much? Is it connected to your virulent support for Cosby? Are you a misogynist because you are a Cosby supporter or is a Cosby supporter more inclined to be a misogynist? Did you

Poor Sniffy, no girls to punch or skin. You seem to have soooo much dirt (and not just on your undie stash) why oh, why haven't you called in the feds yourself? Or even suggested it to Bill?
Seems weird to me. Too high on day old cotton?

More lies from Mr "I'd punch you in the face", fsit fcuk them in alleys and sniff their undies.
Unless you provide a credible source for your muck, Craig everyone will just assume you are high on undie sniffing and big Bill in your "old queen" bed.

Craig, I'd take anyones support over yours.
Undie sniffing, punches in the face, and fsit fcuking is not rape counselling to most normal people.
It is, apparently to Cosby's greatest supporter.

Poor, Craig. The ONLY person Cosby seems not to have been interested in assaulting was a pudgey, potty mouthed "old queen".
How can you ever forgive those doped young women?
Maybe a good fsit fcuking in an alley will teach them to mess with your man, huh Craig? Yuk.

Well Craig, thanks again for demonstrating your mindset. Money, punching women, seeing them sexually assaulted and sniffing their underwear is pre-eminent.

Would you like to punch Shawn in the face, smell her undies, or see her fsit fcuked in an alley - or all three of your fantasies?

Craig the ultimate Cosby supporter STILL obsessed with sniffing women's undies.
Is it a psychiatric illness to want to punch a woman you don't know in the face?
What about wanting women you don't know fsit fcuked in an alley?
Would sound pretty sick to most people.
And this from Cosby's greatest supporter.

No Craig. I'm perfectly clear.
I don't threaten to punch women in the face.
I don't want to see women fsit fcuked in an alley.
I'm not interested in the smell of women's underwear.
Are you representative of a Cosby supporter? That's scary.

Oh my, get the fans. The vapors are about to hit, "A golf course con". Heaven's above.
Now which woman did you threaten to punch in the face?
Which women did you want to see fsit fcuked in an alley?
Whose undies did you talk about sniffing?
You creepy, creepy misogynisy.

But Craig you brought up sniffing women's undies. Of all the awful things Cosby has been accused of- undie sniffing is not one. That is your own personal, creepy, mother Bates fetish. Poor rapey Bill has enough to deal with.
Man up- you "old queen".

I belong to the bitter "old queen's" have no right to threaten to punch women group.
Most of America belong- believe it or not.

Oh Craig. "Hags" is so bitter queen 80's.
Why do you hate women so much?
Why want to punch them in the face?
Why the prepubescent adolescent "stinky britches".
Craig- are you an…..INVERT?
They are like the Big Foot of the Gay community. No one believed they existed. The nasty, bitter woman hating, self named, "old queen"

Poor Craig. No source for your claims. Plenty of proof of your contempt for women. Women you want to punch. Women you want to see f*ist fcuked in alleys, women whose underwear you want to sniff.
If you sick, sick fcuk are representative of a Cosby supporter, God help the man.

Did you pick up their undies while they were being assaulted? Punching women, women f^st fcuked in alleys, sniffing womens underwear.
You just become more revolting to the public by the minute.

Oh, honey bunch- if only you would stop dreaming of punching women and sniffing their undies. Hey, did you know Jeffrey by any chance?

Oh, Craig. Were her undies all sweaty after the assault that doesn't exist anywhere on the internet except your febrile undie sniffing mind?
Would you like to punch her, Craig?
Get into her clothes and rock in your chair?

Did you sniff their undies, Craig?
Does little old Gloria remind you of mommy?
Just think - once you top her you can put on her clothes, sniff those undies and everything will be alright. Rocking, rocking in that chair in the attic.

No, Craig. You've expressed violent and revolting impulses toward all women who disagree with you. The only thing overwhelming is your sickening misogyny.
Keep it up. Normal people find it revolting. Normal people, Craig- gay, straight, bi, transgendered.
You my friend are just a sick, sick women's undie sniffing fcuk.

Oh. Craig your concern for children is heartwarming. Do you smell their underwear too? Or just women's? Shiver!!!