
Oh goody, Craig. More than likely they have their underwear off and you can smell it without getting 'girl germs'. You sickening, revolting creature.

Were their underwear in the dumpster for you to sniff out, Craig "I wouldn't hurt a fly" Hingley?

Oh, Craig. Keep up the violent woman hate. It does our side no end of help.

Oh, Craig. What a, nasty, nasty old queen you are. Is it a mommy thing? Where did all this directed misogyny ooze from? Did some girl try and pull your pud in the fifth grade? That would be highly unusual. But, you seem to be the exception. A nasty, nasty, nasty gay man. You are a rarity. But the exception always

Let's forget that Thomas Jefferson owned slaves and had sex with them.
Let's write it out of history. It's inconvenient.
Let's forget that Cosby's womanizing was well known within the industry and on the set of The Cosby Show.
Let's NOT forget that Rashad's residuals dry up if The Cosby Show isn't