Mark Richardson

Beyond this, I'm with you in wanting to avoid those group heart aches. The games intro chapter spends a fair bit of time talking about various tools/discussion strategies such as X-cards etc.. that can be used to make the game fun and avoid content that is uncomfortable for others.

The system simplifies this a great deal, the interpretation is of the emotion not the memory per say,

I'm happy you find the concept intriguing since I'm writing it :) Feel free to check out the website and take a look over the game. I'm hoping to have a tighter play test package by the end of the month. If you have any questions I'm happy to help.

Headspace isn't underdogs so much as the Jason Bournes. You are each the best in your field, by yourself you are only one person but through the tech you are all equally good with each others skills. The game is certainly not about demi-gods, it's more about folks who actually have a chance to make a difference.

Headspace is specifically designed to try to work towards teamwork all the time, your skills are everyone elses. Everyones skills are on your character sheets. There are specific mechanics designed to help the group work as a group together as I too have played more than my share of a games that pull apart at the

Hi I'm writing the game and would be happy to address that concern.
Within the game it's really more about the GM noting that larger actions
would take more work than a single roll to accomplish. One hacking roll
might get you in the back door security etc… So within the example it
would more be about putting some