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    That doesn't make one show better than the other, though- Grey's has never hidden its soapy roots. And I say this as someone who loved ER for a very long time, but it could often get really, really bad. Pretentiously bad, which GA at least usually manages to avoid.

    I think that's what's so confusing about the whole storyline. Are we meant to think the emperor has no clothes, or what? Sure the residents like Minnick's method, but I bet the mother of the little boy from the last episode would disagree.

    Chewing a cancer/heart attack patient out with a rant on how "nice" she is, as we saw in the last episode or so, is not exactly the height of professionalism.

    One of the saddest patients was the little boy, Wallace, whose parents gave 25 million dollars to the hospital. They're packing up his room after his operation fails, taking the sheets off his bed, and it just really hits how much time they all spent there and now it's all over.

    I thought Lamorne wrote (co-wrote) the episode.

    Of course they gave him an episode without Zooey to direct.