
Yes, you are right. I understand now what he was speaking about.

I understand what you were saying now……thanks to you and BaltimoreAubrey. Thanks, and you are right, not a great time to be known for A-oking dirty, fifthy water to the public.

She was indicted in 2011. Why do you think they would not of known this when season was filmed in Spring 2015?

Agree. They would not spent so much time on building wes character for him to die soon. He's now the male lead. His story w/ Annalise is going somewhere but not death.

Haven't read comments yet, but after reading "The Brinks" reviewer, I appreciate this! Maybe because I was bored at night, but i finally watched the original this summer, and loved the series..

Ballers Suck. I love The Rock, but it's nothing without scenes of him. That is one i don't get the love for.

I think the boner dude is a artifact the English guys stole, and he's going to get busted somehow trying to cash it in.

I wasn't offended by the reviewer being 'PC" as much as just referring to her fabulous acting and comedic talent during the season. Carla Gugino is a brilliant actor and the reviewer reduced her to a woman who just likes sex.

I've hadn't read the reviews for awhile. I only come here for the comments, and the people who enjoyed this show as much as i did!

I haven't read any other comments yet, but i just wanted to assure you, many of us enjoyed "loved" this season more than you.

I'm just here for the comments. Can't read another review from this guy.

I agree! I come here for support from you guys who love the show as much as I do.

Fuck " Ballers", "The Brink" is the best HBO series on.

It's a t.v. show. Get it? Fiction and fun.

I hated him for that move.

THANK you! Just poured a glass of wine, to read your recaps. Binged watched this afternoon and so in love. This satisfied a hole left by BoJack Horseman left after viewing over 4 times. Cast is perfect, writing is brilliant. I'm just so excited you guys are recapping this, I had to rejoice.

I just binge watched this on rainy afternoon. It's my new love and feel the writing, actors are brilliant, hilarious! My new favorite after finishing BoJack Horseman 4 times. I'm watching the live tweets tonight w/ cast. I came here to hopefully read weekly recaps. Disappointed. Enjoying recap from BJ Horseman

I've read many of the comments, but none have spoke up on this; Big Shout out to Billy Eichner and "Billy on The Street' during the game of " Movies with Mr. Peanutbutter" ? Zachary Quinto was a guest on BOTS last season. Is it just me?

In earlier episodes one of the CO stated something to the effect of Morello "allowing an inmate to steal the van and kill another inmate". It's been pretty clear Vee is dead.

I don't think so either. Has no purpose other than he did it for Morello.