
Rob Petrie from "The Dick Van Dyke Show." Hard-working, funny, treats his wife like an equal (in 1962), takes a real interest in his son's thoughts, active sex life, sticks up for his friends, and even learned through hard experience how to avoid deadly ottomans.

“Harrison was flying a WW2 vintage plane today which suffered engine failure upon take off."

Who should have won over Fonda in '81?

No particular place to stick this, but:
Elizabeth Taylor won for the crappy "Butterfield Eight" not so much because she was an Oscarless "industry veteran" and mostly because she was literally fighting for her life in a hospital during the voting period. She received an emergency tracheotomy. Source: Elizabeth

The Computer Wore Tennis Shoes was a devastating indictment of 20th century man's shrinking role in an industrialized capitalist society.

When you can make a good case for "Take the Money and Run" as being one of the year's five best movies, the nod for "Z" looks like less of an upset.

It was so open-ended and ambiguous that the last scene of "Rashomon" is commonly referred to as a "Verdict ending."

I Wonder Who's Kissassinger Now?

I wish that you were falling for, falling for me.

Oh yes, the Californians sketch was great, thanks to the near-total silence that allowed all 17,400 mispronounced syllables to be fully appreciated. Too many sketches are padded by audience laughter. Bonus comedy points for the fresh and underused "inappropriate kiss" ending.

You haven't known physical love until you've fucked an actual piece of Jello on springs.

And Leon's getting larger.

No fair. Some of my best friends are white.

Sam Bee, I like it. Change the show up, move away from the comedic angle.

Just like waiting for cicadas.

I am also crying, from my ass. It definitely smells like regret.

This is the best album. Ever.
The only rebuttals I will accept are Loveless and Bee Thousand.

Teenage waistbands… only teenage waistbands… THEY'RE ALL NAKED!

An obscure but terrific Elvis song is "Edge of Reality," recorded a couple of months before the comeback/"In Memphis" revival. Here it is on YouTube; please ignore the $1.28 one-take "lobotomized Tom Jones performs 'An American in Paris'" cinematography.

Except about vaccinations causing autism.