Chris Cook

South Park didn't play a part in creating any of that.

They spent two seasons going after Trump. They literally have him say "I have no clue what I'm doing, I never thought I'd even get this far, do not vote for me. - that was said after two years of making fun of him. And thus making fun of his supporters.

Lots of safe spaces are dumb echo chambers. And look up irony.

South Park mocks both sides of the aisle. Always have, always will. The easily offended crowd have just started braying in unison because they dared to joke about safe spaces. That's it.

They went after Trump for two seasons. Watch the show before commenting on it.

You're white. You know that, right?

Grew up so much you have a robot avatar. What an adult.

They spent two seasons destroying Cheeto man. it's time to move on.

They tackled Trump for two entire seasons. And he was literally screwed to death in the show. After Matt and Trey tore him a new one for two entire seasons.

People don't like having that mirror held up to their faces and being told they are the problem.

I guess if you completely ignore two whole seasons of Trump being torn apart and then concluding with him having the crap kicked out of him and then literally being screwed to death…sure, those damn wusses acknowledged that damn MAGAhead crowd!

This narrative that white guys can't possibly have problems like everyone else continues to be fascinating. Please carry on.

Odd to bring up "what then?" after Negan's debut next week. This world is never going to be about finding a cure or anything like that. Plus, assuming they stick relatively close to the comics, which Gimple has so far, there is a ton of great stuff coming with Negan. Much more than anything that ever happened with the…