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    The Michael J. Fox film that heavily endorses capitalism that was being screened in the movie night scene? "The Secret of My Success" from 1987, possibly the most 80s film of all 80s films.

    As someone who was a fan at the time, I didn't feel betrayed by "Friday I'm in Love" being happy - more that it was just really, really weak.

    As much as I hate "Shiny Happy People", his whole
    argument was rendered invalid for me once he referred to the song as
    being post-grunge and coming out at the end of the 90s. 1991, dude. If
    you're going to rant about a song online on a fairly popular site like
    the A/V Club, know your stuff. People will not hesitate to

    I agree with him that "Shiny Happy People" is terrible, but his whole argument was rendered invalid for me once he referred to the song as being post-grunge and coming out at the end of the 90s. 1991, dude. If you're going to rant about a song online on a fairly popular site like the A/V Club, know your stuff. People

    I actually find Suzanne Farrell, Sally's schoolteacher, to be the most boring of all of Don's mistresses. That said, Sylvia wasn't really a favorite for me either. I've always preferred the worldly, sassy Bobbie with her trainwreck affair with Don, the infamous finger-banging scene and her bonding time with Peggy.

    Then what you wrote was phrased a little poorly and the videos from Pump were very memorable.

    THANK YOU. I was shaking my fist in rage when I read the sentence about "Cryin'" being their comeback, and I am hardly an Aerosmith fan. I expect much better from the A/V Club. Do your damn research, guys. Actually, I wouldn't think if you call yourself a pop culture blogger you would need to do ANY research to know