
Honest question: Why is this still being reviewed, while the Baskets reviews are sacked?
I guess the obvious answer is "more clicks", but do the people who watch Modern Family really care about reading reviews…?

Really liked the script for this one. Ozzies anxiety about telling his mother was affecting, and I loved the line "we're an AA group, we're just super super bad at it"

This just in: Buying things does not make you happy.

Upvoted for stealth Hermes quote

I like that he barely even tries to hide that his goods will be used on actual people for murdering. "Very effective against soft targets in light cover, behind cars, small diameter trees and the like…"


I'd argue that Game of Thrones wouldn't even function as a TV series without the violence. How many thrilling developments have there been in this series that hasn't been propelled by violence and murder? Greed and manipulation is fascinating, yes, and that is why the King's Landing
storylines are so much more

Count me in the minority… I agree with her. This series is going in the wrong direction. It's basically nihilism now. Too many sadists, vile characters and/or characters with ugly motivations left. Too much violence porn and/or violence as the only means to drive stakes and move the story forward. Doesn't matter if it