
Well I guess in combination with the term warrior there's some sort of irony or sarcasm hinted at. I also think these terms (Gutmensch, social justice warrior, liberal) and connotating them negatively function as some sort of code. I know that in some anti-semitic speeches the word "jew" is substituted with

Similarly, here in Germany the term "Gutmensch" is exclusively hurled by right-wingers and conservatives at people who claim socially liberal stances. If I were to translate it into English, it would literally mean "good person". It by the way is the equivalent to Social Justice Warrior

Honestly, it's my favorite comedy of all-time. It's not a perfect movie but it's smart, self-aware, creative and funny as hell.

I mean, it's gotta be a bad movie, but the trailer doesn't look half bad, because Wahlberg and Ferrell have a lot of chemistry as do Ferell and Lithgow, apparently. It's sad to see this go to waste.

This many extraordinarily funny people usually couldn't not be funny. I'm going to give this the benefit of the doubt. But the trailer isn't exactly looking promising.

Me too, I absolutely loved them playing the theme as if something was about to happen.

He's not evil. Evil is Lester Nygaard sending his new wife into his office with his jacket on, just to see whether or not she'd be shot.

"There are a lot of contenders for line of the episode, but Jonah’s exasperated, unaware, “Of course she’s alright. Why are women always checking in on one another when I am talking to them?” takes the cake for me."

This is an off-Broadway one-man show. Netflix just marketed it as a comedy special.
It isn't really. I thought it was pretty funny, though, and laughed numerous times.

Normally I'd say that Kölsch is comparable to water and doesn't hold a candle to Altbier, only disgusting, but since you already told everyone about the rivalry I might as well try and say something nearing an objective assessment.

Well, who's up for analyzing the situation?

I'm 95% certain that Fox News could actually fire Trump from being president.

Look, I don't even want to defend Chris Brown. He clearly is an entitled asshole with no self control. He clearly hasn't learned a lot since his assault on Rihanna. I wouldn't have hired that guy.

and Jesse Tyler Ferguson! And Dudley Moore.

What's funnier than messing with a Weasley? Sorry, wrong pop culture

God dammit.
I guess today I'll poop in a bucket, then.

So, apparently, this really looks to be it for New Girl. It's obviously nowhere near as fresh as seasons 2 and 4, but it still works as a reliable ensemble comedy. But interest in the series is going way down. That can also be seen here on the AV Club when a couple years ago there were several hundred comments per

There's a bunch of tropes irritating me, but "We're not so different, you and I" is by far on the top of my list.

Today I finished the season and while it wasn't perfect it certainly reminded me of how Grace and Frankie is a little underappreciated. All of the main characters have at least one other main character with whom they really have chemistry. June Diane Raphael is unbelievably good in this show and, sadly, she is not

The puddle scene was amazing and became even better when Bud later talks about how earlier in his day he stepped into a huge puddle and heard his mother laughing her ass off on a nearby bench.