
Yeah, I guess so. On the other hand, I think a lot of the people allowed to vote frown a bit upon superhero shows. Even though we all know that's a very reductive way of perceiving Legion.

Your personal preference would be wrong then

I know I'm making myself wildly unpopular here, but as a studio guitarist I can't help myself but admire John Mayer to death for his work on the guitar. It truly is unparalleled in blues, rock and pop music.
I liked the last two albums a lot in terms of musical atmosphere. Very easy to listen to and still some

We are only at the end of March, mind you, and there is more Noah Hawley around the corner!


Don't forget that we've not really gotten into David's superpowers yet. He's not just a telepath and telekinetic. Legion absorbs other mutants' psyches into his own and uses the powers of the person that dominates his mind at the moment. So I don't know if he may be able to absorb Lenny instead of being possessed, as

I mean we often say these Emmy things for a lot of actors, but she actually has been nothing short of amazing the entire series. Will Legion run for Drama Series or Limited Series? It's a short season, but not a conclusive anthology format. I think she might actually have a shot, at getting nominated, even if this is

Oh, as a matter of fact (I just thought about this) The Flash might not have been a good example. But think of how the other Marvel TV shows on Netflix are stretched out over a course of 13 episodes. 7-8 episodes would be all it takes.

The trend is going towards fewer episodes, even in comparison to the Peak TV classics, such as The Wire, Sopranos, Mad Men, Breaking Bad, FNL and so forth. A long time it seemed like 13 episodes was the standard, for Drama at least, but I think now it's more like 10. And then there are plenty of shows coming in now

Actually, I'm getting quite accustomed to these formats. I don't need a year- or even half a year-long season. I'm excited for next year's Legion, but in the meanwhile there are lots of other short-seasoned TV shows. The entire HBO crew starting April, Fargo, Better Call Saul. Even Trial & Error and The Good Place are

Oh yeah, you're right. I forgot about that one good fight. However, that has not much to do with a super hero fight. Just two martial artists fighting against each other.

Then watch another show. Sorry to disappoint you. The fighting is mediocre at best, but mostly underwhelming.

Then again, as a millenial, Delirious is not that funny as it hasn't aged well at all. I can see from another perspective how someone who saw it about the time when it was released could find it hilarious. But today I find it incredibly sexist and homophobic as it just uses one stupid stereotype after the other. And

Pointed this out elsewhere here, too. Super disappointed, I laughed maybe once.
And that for a guy I, too, consider myself to be a massive fan of. I absolutely loved all of his other specials. What a disappointment. Why even release it? I hope he's as disappointed in himself as most of his fans are and learns from it

I know how you feel. I love Bill Burr and his special was absolutely shit. I don't know what went wrong there. He still had the Bill Burr energy, but it was almost completely unfunny. I maybe laughed once and smirked another time. Not a great turnout for someone who considers himself a fan.

I'm so glad you found yourselves!

Thanks for the reviews, I really hoped someone would review these. Comedy specials do not get as much attention anymore on the AV Club. One could say that with someone as big as Dave Chappelle, the review would obviously happen. But then one might go looking for the last Louis C.K. special and not find anything here…

GOD DAMMIT BARRY IS NOT THE FASTEST MAN ALIVE! In fact he has never been. And they've openly acknowledged it several times in the show. Barry isn't even the fastest guy in his own team (You know, like with the John Lennon quote about Ringo).

"Too bad I like Supergirl’s boyfriend, because now that Barry’s single, it seems like a perfect time for those two to finally hook up." Because after the love of his life ended their engagement a very short time ago and is likely going to get murdered by a villainous god-like entity in about four weeks is just about

Dodd whispering "yes" followed by Peggy's "no", again to be followed by another "yes" being whispered by Dodd sealed this moment for me as absolute perfection