
I'm extremely late to the party, but I wanted to express a few things. First, this is the episode that entirely sold me on Lou and Patrick Wilson. There were a few good things in the first two episodes. The "Well, Betsy found it, if I'm being honest…which I try to be" was the classic decency setup for the "Fargo good

Zoidberg, is this you?

I don't know if the well is necessarily less dry now that it was 10 years ago. 150+ episodes is a lot about the political process. Not sure there has been so much change in the process worth sparking a creative vision. Needless to say that a reboot without Sorkin or Schlamme (at least as consulting EPs) isn't bound

Now that's no reason to leave dirt on the floor, mister!

I read that in Dave Chappelle's white people voice

"Actually, if I think about it, the long distance thing really doesn't matter that much because I'm superfast and Cisco can easily open portals to another earth, so visiting would actually only take about 5 minutes. Also we have all the time we want because we're practically immortal whereas you, my dear Iris, will

Ugh, Iris is the worst. Can't they just let the fast Transformer-dude kill her? Preferably in the face. Kill her in the face, please.

I think I'd like my money back…

That's what I said!

So the A.V. Club is just going to be a bummer today?

Thank God GOB only plays the Gothic Castle

"While I do think that Boyhod would have gotten a lot less praise had it been shot in a conventional way"

I feel like this episode could have been a lot more fun. There's a lot of comedic potential in a power such as reality warping. Supergirl touched on that, but never really got deep. Maybe set pieces such as the Hamilton stage or the Fortress of Soitude's Ice Giant were too costly and they could have made for a higher

I do see your point and it's at least partially valid, but there's a few things that "make it okay" for me here.

I think one of the points the has made thus far is to be careful of branding people with mental issues that originate wherever of having a defined sickness. What David has might not be classifiable for an ICD index. The treatment facility was almost a dystopian setting where the treatments being issued to David

I don't think there's a point in grading this show. Both episodes could easily have been As. This show is already unlike anything else on television. The entire conception and even more so the execution blow my mind. I'm already obsessed with the details this show has to offer. In the beginning alone, when Dr. Bird

Mary Tyler Moore Tyler Moore Moore Moore

I'm considering myself to be quite close to where you are, only would I describe season 4 not as "interesting with great stretches", but as "great, but with lengths".
Had they gotten most episodes down to 22 minutes, they'd have a similar pace to the original seasons. I felt like most of these episodes consisted of a

Because obviously your opinion must be correct

It literally has nothing to do with anything Sandler has ever done. What you expect is a whacky comedy by American standards. You know, pop cultural reference here, building to a punchline there, some hijinks ensuing here and there.