
Would someone explain the Anezkatized pun to me? I'm not a native speaker and I rarely don't understand jokes, but this one I can't see through, apparently.

Well, it's honestly a mix of the two. The grades obviously still ask the question whether it still was "a good overall episode of television" while taking into consideration what each individual show might have to offer, wants to achieve and is overall capable off.

I kinda like him too, even if I don't regard his stand-up as especially good.
There are always a few bits that are really funny, his energy and delivery can polish some jokes and he tries to get as introspective as he can.
He never achieved comedic greatness, however (and presumably never will), but that's okay. I also

Is it me or should they just give the Emmy to Ted Danson?

It ended on NBC with the fairy tale and yes, that was a trainwreck. It aired out of order though, the Writer's Guild strike took place at that time.

I too refer to it as a spin-off. How can it not be? Most of the main cast is either completely gone or just has a few guest appearances. The setting is a different one. The premise is a different one. The main characters that are there (Cox, Turk and occasionally Kelso) inherit different roles.
Sounds like a spin-off

and I think it was meant as a joke and the OP has a lot of love for Turk and J.D.

Elected officials are supposed to be the representatives of the people but can we not just agree that Bruce Springsteen should just be made the official representative of all Americans? You know, sort of like if the Queen was friends with Steve van Zandt.
He'd just have to release a statement once in a while, go to a

I'm from Germany (and I live there) and absolutely loved Toni Erdmann. Had it not been for the fact that I've seen it 2 months ago, I could've probably offered more of an articulated insight here.

I gotta say, last year I couldn't wait for The Flash to continue and now it just kinda happened. I still don't know whether to watch or not. I think I'll wait with watching for a few episodes and see how the general consensus seems to turn out.

Oh man, don't remind me of the reasons why the man chose to cancel Agent Carter.
Something about original shows and not wanting to take on somebody else's:
Take that Arrested Development, Full House and Gilmore Girls!
Then something about streaming rights in other countries.
I am from and live in Germany and Netflix

Sure, make it a happy family and put in Vince and Riggins, too. Man it's been awhile since i watched FNL for the last time.

The correct answer is Eric, Tami and Julie Taylor. Please and thank you.

I agree, especially since that would leave more room for other TV shows that'd also have 6-13 quality episodes without too much filler.
However, I still like the shows that do get to over 20 episodes. It's something you can follow almost all year and if done right it's a very admirable accomplishment. Jane The Virgin,

This might be one of my most favorite stories ever.
I'd also argue that calling a member of one of the most influential feminist punk bands ever sexist is something of a reach.

Typical white-privilege decadence. A lego accumulation of that magnitude does not represent our views on wealth distribution, especially if it benefits big corporations.

Of all the nightly late night hosts, Colbert still probably is the best one to me. I didn't follow the beginnings of LNSC but since he more or less resurrected some elements of his Stephen Colbert persona, he is as sharp and pointed as ever. Of course he has to make conversation with bland guests sometimes, but I

While the first one is obviously the better film (and overall best of the three), I have to take a stand for the second one, as it is one of the more courageous sequels in recent (or not so recent, seeing as it's been almost 15 years) memory.
You have an extremely successful big budget hollywood blockbuster about an

That's not what I'm saying, that is what she said.

as far as you know.