
Don't forget 30 Rock in there! As well as SNL.
Hamm as a great knack for comedy.

Oh my god that was the best reveal ever.
I first though the guy was some kind of unknown redshirt (or rather bluesuit), and then they showed us the face of good ol' Dick Whitman. Now that's a way to start the season!

All right, thanks for enlightening me. I haven't seen the "confession" itself, just read it somewhere where it said that he did it.
Again, I'm not trying to defend C.K.. If he did it, which admittedly remains questionable, he should be brought to justice.
The effect that would have on the comedy community would be

I might have several of those people.
The most obvious one being Joaquin Phoenix.

I have a friend who loves The Rock so abnormally and watches him so religiously in everything that it's become one of our longest-running running jokes in my circle of friends. It's become such a staple that I made him aware both of this article and your comment. He answered me with a text including several distinct

Well, I know it allegedly was C.K.. Then the Kirkman thing happened, which apparently was about him making a very creepy pass at her. Which is bad and sucks for her, obviously, but is nothing that warrants criminal prosecution.
Then somewhere it popped up, that Stanhope admitted to being the one that did it. I'm not

I haven't seen her latest special Live at the Apollo, I can only talk to the material before that.
And that was indeed not okay anymore. BUT Amy Schumer at least recognized publicly at some point in the last year or so how such material is not okay anymore since she now kind of has to be a role model.

Wasn't he also the comedian who turned out to jerk off in front of younger comics? I thought I read that somewhere

LaToya (or anybody else for that matter), do you have any insights to share as to why regular coverage hat to be concluded for Black-ish.

No, thank you.

though I think it was less of an idealistic decision to incorporate this kind of goodness into the show but more of a practical one, as it gives the writers a chance to create flawed characters that allow for long-term exploration.

Mentioning this seems so unnecessary that I'm almost glad there's a new food section on the AV Club

I bet if they could've gotten both Jimmy Carr and Anthony Jeselnik on the roast, Ann Coulter would be dead by now

I've read some of the comments and thus I don't feel the need to point out specific issues with Dunham's repeatedly antisocial behaviour as a lot of you guys have smartly and with pointed remarks shown the discrepancies in her words and actions.

Oh yeah and FRIENDS hat their first black character of relevance in its 9th season. On a show located in Manhattan.

Look, I completely get how Dunham might have felt intimidated by the athletes and models around. I've struggled with obesity my entire life and I often feel the same way. I also know the look that people give you.
She has a right to feel those things, feel unfairly judged and what not.
I also don't imagine OBJ as the

Amy Schumer is annoying in an extremely funny way, Lena Dunham is just annoying in an inherently annoying way.

They actually give you the impression of really having the interpersonal chemistry that a Goonies/Stand By Me type group of kids would have on screen

So she is 12, can sing, rap and most of all act and apart from that is just above all charming and adorable. I kind want to adopt her, but I'm also massively intimidated by her.

So the only difference between the 30 Rock quotes and whatever Trump is saying is that the quotes are better written?