
*spoilers for the book*

The noted focus on the Russian vodka bottle definitely meant something right? It made no sense otherwise.

And then normalize it! Lorelai didn't even pull out the Dean lecture for this.

Yeah it definitely was (ivery The Office), but they still thought to invite Lane and Michel. I just think it should have been Luke, Lorelai, and Rory. Then Jess, Emily, Sookie, Lane, Michel, in that order. It just seemed like a weird combo to me. Was Emily really still in Nantucket the night before her only

The fact that Rory liked the whole Life and Death Brigade thing is proof to me that she and Logan deserve each other and Jess should go off and find someone so much better. The second I saw that pig I started cringing and didn't stop until Rory walked out the door the next morning.

"She's looks a lot like my cousin"

I love how Kara's bright smile wavers ever so slightly when people are dickish to her. Like she showed up grinning and Mad Dog yelled at her and it flickered before coming back. It's a great acting choice.

Even though I know how impractical that move was I literally cheered when she caught it. It was such a satisfying moment.

I had to listen to it several times before I could figure out the stays with the ship bit. Back into the pit until she learns to enunciate.

Ah ok thanks. I'm assuming "the newbies" are new to their show. Hopefully like Arrow did they keep to the core group - too many things to keep track of!

I'd usually agree but worth it here for the genuine laugh out loud when instead of saying thanks, when Barry points out that he was about to get killed, Oliver pulls out full condescending mode and is like "can I help you?"

What did Sarah say when Felcity was doing the headcount? Wave runner? I wonder how much not watching legends is going to hamstring here…

Lorelai the III is no Lorelai the II, that's for damn sure. Both are flawed but at least Lorelai has a past of overcoming major life challenges. Rory has had a great and blessed life because her mom worked her ass off — she definitely would want to continue to be pampered.

There was one small throw away moment that I really loved here, that showed wordlessly how Lorelai and Luke had evolved into a more equal partnership — Lorelai casually filling the salt shakers at the diner when they got back. The fact that she does things like close the diner with him completely delighted me.

I came to this conclusion too actually. Jess is the best of the bunch and the one I would want to end up with but he deserves way better than her. I'm Team Logan now just because leave Jess the hell out of this trainwreck of romance.

That's how I feel about Rent — I listen to that album now and am outraged that those shits thought they could get away without paying rent in NYC because they were buds with the landlord.

Something I decided after reflecting on this for a while is that Rory belongs with Logan not because he's the best guy in the mix but because they deserve each other, warts and all.

That's a great analogy — I was thinking more Dawson's Creek but that's a far classier example.

Yes I'm aware that I have changed, I was more alluding to the idea that if Rory was this terrible as a teen, anyone who identified with her as a teen may have been that unbearable as well.

Now that we know the final 4 words, I want her to go back and tell us what she expected the context of them to be in the original run. Who was the father? Was he going to be involved in the birth or were she and Lorelai going to raise the kid together?