
Im done with this show. Im done with the lazy writing and the producers and writers trolling the audience with "who'se gonna die next" and killing for shock value. That's what's it's all become about. There is so much they could tell, there is such a huge story they could tell about people stuck in the ZA, and it

What kind of a response to the Trek question is that? "we worked with brilliant minds and the most talented people." Yes we all know that but how was the experience? What did you think of the role of Jonathan Archer, what did you bring to the table, what dis were the things that challenged you when you stepped in?

Is this really how you imagine these people build a viable, peaceful community? A guy abuses his wife, let’s murder him? Really? Rick came to that conclusuon the minute Carol suggested it to him as-a-matter-of-factly. She said “Pete is abusing his family. You need to kill him”. That is not how you create community and

I, too, am glad no one major got killed. That said, I think it is kinda ridiculous that the conflict that was set up at the end of last episode just magically resolved in favor of Rick and his “let’s murder people who bother us” attitude and how very conveniently Pete ended up doing exactly the things that would

I am just glad no one got killed. That said, I think it is kinda ridiculous that the conflict that was set up at the end of last episode was just magically resolved in favor of Rick and his "let's murder people who bother us" attitude and how very conveniently Pete ended up doing exactly the things that would warrant

What is wrong or right, is relative. Most of the time, "killing a man" is wrong. But if not killing that man results in 10 million deaths and a lost war - AND YOU KNOW FOR SURE IT DOES - then suddenly "killing a man", one man, no longer seems wrong. You hitting somoeone else and driving off, on the other hand, is