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    No, most fans would not want to see Chris Hemsworth "interact" with Tom Hiddleston. Where did you get that impression?

    Possibly. But why have the characters as smokers? Why not have more extras as smokers and these characters (Hopper and Joyce) be non or former smokers? "A lot of people smoked in the early 80s." Sure, but a lot of people didn't. Also, Terry's sister could have been played by anyone. Why not cast someone who

    Has anyone else noticed the characters don't actually smoke? Re-watch the first episode. Joyce has a smoldering cigarette in her hands in practically every scene, and she is even seen to inhale, but no exhale. I noticed that immediately but didn't pay attention to Hopper to see if he actually smokes. In this episode

    The reviewer really likes the Kingsmoot, I see.

    While watching the show I noticed the frequency with which the LA skyline was shown. I think I became aware of it after about the second or third time. I made a wager with the people I was watching it with that the episode would end with the same shot of the downtown Los Angeles buildings, shrouded in smog. Of

    However, the Bible does state these things that Robertson said, other than the part about the anus/vagina thing, which is strictly his opinion. If you say Robertson is intolerant and hateful, then you're saying the Bible is intolerant and hateful, but you also say the Bible is "pro-love and tolerance and anti-hate."

    It's nothing remarkable or outrageous. He's quoting the Bible, something that's been around for a long time. His statements about the anus vs vagina are his personal opinions, but the basic idea is unassailable: the Bible is decidedly anti-gay lifestyle, and he and his family try to follow the Bible.