
This movie is good stuff from top to bottom.

I get this joke.

you used the wrong 'week' dipshit.

why not just get a 2D ticket and make a relative babysit for free. Thats fucken smart.

wrong just wrong. Die Hard 2 is no good. the ending is pretty good. But otherwise no good. Do you understand good now?

Contrary to popular belief the best Die Hard is not the first, its actually Die Hard with a vengeance and it features an Elevator fight scene. This movie does too. Thus this movie will be good. Thank-you

all three baby

no newspapers. I got ya.

Do you guys think Shane Black will read my scripts if I just keep sending them to him?

you may be dumb.

You say that like its a bad thing. Here we have two young men who have toiled and worked hard to finally get a gig directing a super-hero movie. Thats the American dream.

This movie looks really good. Just really damn good.