Steven H

In this case, they executed Laura Wilson's character to punish Emily (in addition to punishing Wilson's character, of course). They couldn't kill Emily, so they killed her lover in front of her.

"But he had already paid."

The reviewer remarked on some of the science-accurate bits in an earlier review, I believe.

Exactly. In one of the earlier reviews someone (possibly the reviewer speaking for a hypothetical viewer) asked "did the Man make the movies; and if he didn't make the films, who did?"

Oh god no. We stole this parking lot from the Indians fair and square, and we're dam* sure gonna walk down the middle of it.

No doubt, but the Gerhardts are somewhere near Fargo, North Dakota, and Lou et al are about 3 hours south near Minnesota's southwestern corner. In fact, Luverne is about halfway between Fargo and Kansas City, and right across the border from Sioux Falls, South Dakota.

I think that's just ABC's way of saying that they're just as bad-ass as Annalise. You want ethical? That's CBS.

I half expect they filmed it in Morocco. AKA Europe's Vancouver.

I'm not sure France gets invaded or captured as often as our popular imagination thinks it does, particularly if you're willing to go back as far as Charlemagne, and they've spent a significant amount of time invading/capturing their neighbors as well.

Or a reference to 2, 3 or 5 alarm fires. (I mean, I guess technically all fires in a one fire department town are 1 alarm fires, but I think we all agree that John wanted a bad fire)

That's one of many times I found my self yelling "shut the door/gate" at my computer screen while watching this show. Liza left the door open when she went outside to get suicided; there's probably a zombie horde waiting inside the house right now.

I was under the impression that powers disappear during an eclipse, and therefore Claire could be killed during one.

"Ali’s Torah portion is Lech-L’cha, her bat mitzvah was originally scheduled for October 15, 1994"
October 15, 1994, was my thirteenth birthday—I'm not Jewish, so like most WASPs I didn't become a man until I was 15 and went to boarding school…and I personally didn't consider myself one until a few months