Dying Light is excellent. Although the story sucked, they managed to make up for it with compelling gameplay, and an interesting location. Zipping around the map manages to be fun, and I'm surprised by how much I didn't miss having fast travel.
Dying Light is excellent. Although the story sucked, they managed to make up for it with compelling gameplay, and an interesting location. Zipping around the map manages to be fun, and I'm surprised by how much I didn't miss having fast travel.
I need to buy Blops 3 (which is what the kids are calling it these days, I've heard) because I've only heard good things, even from my friends who hate CoD.
I didn't want to either, but then I did. It was probably worth it, but it's probably going on sale, so don't rush.
I love the flow of Halo 5's combat, I love the weapon balancing, and the game is beautifully realized. However I think map design is a problem, and it kind of takes me out of it. I don't know if 343 realized how people would use their new mobility, but there are a lot of awkward jumps that should be more manageable or…
Quality issues? Well then this becomes super relevant.
Pepsi pulls this kind of shit all the time, my friend won a (recent) sweepstakes in which the prize was a case of Mountain Dew Pitch Black. Sell the product or don't Pepsi, quit fucking around. I don't want to have to enter a goddamn sweepstakes to get my diabeetus fix.
I don't know what version it is, or who does it, but at my work they play quite possibly the worst version of "Santa Baby" ever, I think the last time they played it my ears started bleeding.
Do They Know it's Christmas is probably so bad it doesn't even bear repeating, right?
God, that RAW segment, you forget how much good ole JR elevates what is happening onscreen until you see a clip come to life with his shouting and coming unglued. He was the perfect compliment to the complete anarchy that was Stone Cold.
So how are you gonna handle it if it turns out that in the future he self-identifies as a…wait for it… TRAINSEXUAL!?
And this, I'm assuming, is why Gameological doesn't use any sort of grading system for their reviews, because this kind of nonsense about an arbitrary score is even worse for video games. Although I can understand why the scoreless system isn't necessarily practical for the whole of the site.
To be fair to this unnamed advice columnist, it's better that LGBTQ+ people get to live out the worst parts of life with all of us straight folk. Haha, suckers, life sucks for everyone, regardless of sexual orientation. The only way it gets better is if you're rich.
"The Tulpa" would work well as a one off, but really, they could adapt most creepypasta in less than an hour, definitely no more than two.
I would actually have said "What is this Feeling?".
Second round knockout, that is kind of incredible. I wonder if Rousey was getting complacent, letting it all go to her head after she beat Correia with a striking knockout? Or maybe she tried to take striking game to a former boxer and came up short? In any case, I look forward to an inevitable rematch.
Bonus: Hedy Lamarr is also the subject of today's Google Doodle, which pays homage to both her on and off screen presence in a fantastic way. I'd leave a link to google for you guys, but come the fuck on.
She don't lie, She don't lie, She don't lie, Cocaine.
I'm going to point out that Dubya actually went to Yale and Harvard Business School, while Jeb went to the University of Texas. So, scarily enough, Dubya is probably the smarter, more competent, brother. Such as that is.
He could be worse, like Phil Fish levels of worse. Or Tommy Refenes, who seems distinctly unlikeable (although Edmund McMillen seems absolutely charming).