Maybe I'll get an episode of Telltale's Game of Thrones in this weekend. I've just finished Episode Two, and it hit some fantastic story beats, especially after the total bummer that Episode One was.
Maybe I'll get an episode of Telltale's Game of Thrones in this weekend. I've just finished Episode Two, and it hit some fantastic story beats, especially after the total bummer that Episode One was.
My boss, of all people, tried to get me into Final Fantasy XIV, I politely declined, sensing that my ability to hold aggro shouldn't inform my ability to hold a job. Also, I am absolutely afraid that the Final Fantasy setting and the MMO mechanics will leave me absolutely enraptured with the game, and I just don't…
*Cue Funky Bass*
Yeah the twist in Heavy Rain is…well…it's there…I guess. I always felt like it was kind of shocking to be shocking, M. Night Shyamalanadingdong style. I got the happiest ending possible, besides Norman, whose story takes an odd turn, and I felt kind of insulted by the game.
It can be two things!
Not exactly a Taylor Swift fan, but goddamn it "Blank Space" is catchy as hell, and has always seemed kind of self-aware, considering she was constantly criticized for going back to that well of being a jilted ex.
Unrepentant negativity is such a terrible fad amongst commenters of pop culture sites.
So…we're all in agreement that this is going to be terrible, right? I mean there is no way Disney manages to surprise any of us this time around, is there?
For Sheltie's sake I will answer Marceline and Princess Bubblegum, who (from what I've watched of Adventure Time, which isn't much) would be absolutely adorable together, and apparently were?
Yeah, I hate Hell's Kitchen, because they are ugly, brutal trashy people, while Masterchef tends to be sweeter and more supportive, even at it's worst. It's kind of cool to be able to go behind the scenes and see they are all actually that supportive of eachother, and totally cool.
Truly, a piece of artwork for our time.
Well, they are obviously rolling in sweet, sweet commenter money right? I mean everyone has to cut a $50 check to the AV Club for every comment right?
I should probably get around to Seasons 3, 4, and 5 of The Walking Dead huh? The farm, it drained me so much.
Does wishing Fallout 4 was out count as playing anything? Because then I could at least dial in on something. I gotta say, I've been restless as hell lately when it comes to video games, I have like 9 or 10 games sitting partially finished, and I keep moving onto others. Saint's Row 4, Assassins Creed Black Flag,…
Bitchin'. If I had one of those I would track down so many out-of-print cult classics for the system (Dark Cloud 1 & 2, Rogue Galaxy, etc), I would probably go broke. I can't really afford to spend like $90 on a copy of Dark Cloud 2, but I would definitely want to.
I, luckily, realized The Evil Within wasn't getting good while playing that difficult first village-y, Resident Evil 4-esque part. You can absolutely give me no fucking clue what to do (Resident Evil 1 and 2), and you can absolutely throw more enemies at me than I can hope to kill (Resident Evil 4), but for the love…
So he had the rich kid's equivalent to pretty much everyone's steam library?
It can be two things!
Befuddled weather guy (who actually works at the Fox affiliate that shows in my area) was treated rather fairly by John Oliver too, I thought. John used weatherman's ignorance as a good jumping off point for a two minute blurb that anyone who is confused about transgender people should probably listen to.
I would love to have seen HBO take a crack at it, but instead we got a goddamn Brad Pitt action movie. It's just about the only Zombie thing left I would actually want to see, and it's more of a political thriller and terse character study in its best moments.