
Nintendo sounds like they have a good DLC approach with Splatoon as well, with free weapons and such. Which is something that other companies should take note of, in that adding incremental free updates can help keep something feeling fresh and hopefully keep your playerbase entertained for the meatier DLC offerings.

People love doing this shit.

The AV Club turned into my grandmother so fast I didn't even notice.

Not a popular choice, and I'm tempted to say that it's a terrible choice with all these other great and prestigious games… but goddammit, even without knowing anything about Blops 3 going in (I have not seen any details about the game), I know I'm going to buy it, play it, and enjoy it, because that's how CoD rolls.

I agree with you, my cousin brought over his Xbox when Fallout 3 came out, and I just remember being overwhelmed by just how good it looked, and how fucking big the world was, having only played PS2 games, and earlier, Fallout 3 blew my fucking teenaged mind.


My Dear Nudeador

Lots and lots of lube, hopefully.


Were you at the Cocteau? I would have loved to have seen Game of Thrones when they showed the episodes there (I do not live in New Mexico), it seemed like they had that "small event writ large" kind of feel, because of George being there.

I also said The Costa Concordia, because cruise ships in general are terrible for the environment. I also thought that maybe it was related to how when ships sink (or are scuttled) wildlife tends to flock to it after a certain amount of time, thus the ship was dead and was now going to be a natural reef or whatever.

Will, how could you not link to Chris Jericho's Hatesong for Cotton-Eye Joe? When Chris Jericho is in your corner about something you tag him in, because HATESONG IS JERICHO!

Sinnoh was by far the worst Pokemon region, and it is the one that burned me out on the series so very long ago (I have since played Omega Ruby, that's about it). It always felt like Nintendo did a bunch of things because they could, and not because they should. So much extraneous bullshit to pad the region was added,

It could still be ported to consoles at a later date, in fact, I would be surprised if it wasn't. I mean Enemy Unknown worked perfectly well with a controller so I have no doubt that XCOM 2 will as well, unless they drastically reinvented the whole thing.

With the one-two punch of Fallout 4, and the now announced XCOM 2, (which were both what I was looking for out of E3) it might be time to go back into both New Vegas, and possibly XCOM: Enemy Unknown. I am super excited by what I've been reading about XCOM 2, (even if it is via IGN) and having procedurally generated

I like how you still don't know if it was a Japanese bird dating simulator even after you already played it.

Then is JBL like if Fox News was one guy?

That would be silly, what he's saying is that Bo Dallas should wrestle at Rio in 2016 with A BROKEN FREAKIN NECK!

Go back to Reddit/IGN/Whatever sad corner of the internet you came from.

You're right! There's no way my assault guy can't finish off that sectopod!