
I think someone's a little jealous that Jon Snow gets Longclaw, the blade of killing zombies +1, and all you got was a fake Lightbringer.

That would explain it.

Well you guys were, meanwhile us book readers knew the whole time that Valy-

I have this problem with wanting to do everything, and it sucks, especially when content is useless or otherwise inane. Skyrim had a lot of this, in the "clear out the dungeon" quests, and the repetitive stupid, useless missions with the occasional interesting letter or whatnot. I'm not solely picking on Skyrim here,

The crowd was much better than this card deserved anyway, from what I heard at home they popped pretty good for Cena, and Rusev/Lana, and even New Day at some points, but there wasn't much good wrestling or storytelling to be found.

I corrected it, but I did make that mistake, yes. This is so no one looks at you funny.

-The Sam/Gilly sex scene we've all been waiting for.

In the books, the sandsnakes and Bronn never met, so your guess is as good as anyone elses at this point, but I'm guessing to make it so Bronn might doublecross Jaime.

Well remember he lost 2000 when the clue was ruled incorrect, so when they rule it correct they give that money back, and then give them the money for being correct. So yes, they always receive double, because they get back the money they lost, and the money for getting it correct.

I'd go with weird fever dream, but if the AV Club features into your fever dreams, we got some issues to discuss.

Bradbury's short stories top my list, easily. He's a little heavy handed, but "There Will Come Soft Rains" (which is in The Martian Chronicles), "The Pedestrian", "All Summer in a Day", and especially "A Sound of Thunder" are excellent.

The Sand Snakes are just so so bad, seriously GoT get it together, the idea of a bunch of badass ladies fighting is awesome. I mean, they've fucked it up in every single way. Even after having the goodwill of being Oberyn's daughters.

This will be buried, but in other news, Bronn got a minor wound, from the Red Viper's daughter…

*Spike Lee tweets Peter Dinklage's adress*

Le Creuset is kind of famous for their very colorful, expensive, enameled, cast-iron cookware. I myself have a (well made, and moderately pricy) knockoff of one of their pots, and it works incredibly well.

Punjabi Prison matches? Tag Team Turmoil? Empty Arena matches? Boiler Room Brawls? Gauntlet matches? "…on a stick" matches?

I want to see one spinoff, a child's show called Shireeding Rainbow.

Actually, having been there, pedantville is rather boring. Which should be obvious because it is full of people who point out insignificant things.

And not just the last third of a book, the last third of what is pretty much the best book in the series, by far.

Makes Stannis look even better doesn't it? Although Shireen would have been the most adorable living statue there, and she probably would have taught those other guys to read.