
She was surprisingly waifish, I remember thinking the same thing about the actress who played Ygritte.

That's totally where I went too, was Nymeria, I think the whole show is Direwolf deprived this season.

Fat Walda's Dowry was actually her weight in sil-

They are obviously running on the Literacy, Lemoncakes, and [a]lliteration platform.

Fat Walda + Roose = OTP

I still have no idea how this whole thing works, but holy shit! A close score for the lead! It excites me in ways I don't even know.

I liked Sansa even in the books, partly because I, as the reader, kind of identified with her. Because seriously how many of us would stand up to the Lannisters or Littlefinger or her aunt after all the pain and death they inflicted? Not a solitary fucking one of us, that's who. We are all Sansa, and we could all hope

Dropping like flies, which considering Walder the Patriarch fucked like a rabbit, still isn't enough dead Freys. Especially in the show, Stoneheart is missed purely because of her love of killing Freys.

Woohoo! I'm a keyboard genius! Who abuses the word fuck quite a bit. I guess that's the keyboard part?

I had tried to pick the best choice throughout the first 3 episodes of the Walking Dead, the best being what I thought would get me the best ending/route/what have you, until I realized that my choices weren't really adding up the way I thought they would, and it seemed like most of it was going to happen anyway. Then

So I'm going to go ahead and feel superior because my team (The AZ Cardinals) is the least cheatingest team in the NFL.

Some difficult questions today, capped off by a ludicrously easy final. Although really anything about Hitler has to make for an easy final, him being one of the most notorious men in history and all. And saying that still feels like an understatement somehow.

I don't know, I would kind of want to see him make it to the TOC, only to get knocked back by Greg, fierce for the glory only Championship level Jeopardy can provide.

I don't know, I feel like Rocko and Hey Arnold are probably worse than a lot of these without nostalgia glasses on, and I spent a good amount of time on both.

I agree. I think that Korra is absolutely necessary, but might be a little up there in age range (next feature would have been better for it, because holy fuckballs they get a bit dark for a 7-8 year old). However Aang and the gang definitely should have been here, because it distills the Hero's Journey into a

I love The Walking Dead (and Telltale in general), because in a lot of ways, it makes sense that your choices really only matter to you. Are you at risk of meeting zombie Lee again? Not really, I didn't think Telltale would put that in the sequel, and getting the fuck out of Savannah and leaving him handcuffed doesn't

No fuck you, Duck thinks I'm incredibly awesome…*sob*.

For the same reason I ended up with Jane, because she's savvy, and because in her own depressing way, she does care. It was twisted and fucked up to do that to Kenny, but goddamn it, she knew it was going to happen either way. I think the game does a fine job making absolutely everyone understandably reprehensible at

I killed Lee, and to me, it is the irrefutable choice, there was no hope either way, but this way I spared him the indignity of being a walker, and tied up the whole thing with a bullet hole. It felt right to me, to end it that way, and it is one of the only decisions that I really can't see the other option as being

I don't know, it should have been easier, I mean, Kenny was a huge asshole a lot of the time, but he was well meaning too. I made the same choice you did, not exactly a hard one, but I felt it was less revenge , and more necessity, "old yeller" if you will. He also entertained that line of thought, in the end. It was