
To be fair it's kind of implied that incest in GRRM's world results in some sort of partial chance of madness and sadism. Aerys, Joffrey, Viserys being examples. But from Rhaegar, Tommen, and Dany we know it's not always the case, or it potentially manifests differently.

Maybe not so much in the show, but in the books it is implied that Tywin's late wife was the only thing that brought him any joy, so while he could be with hookers for the manly wants, marriage was out of the question.

Stannis the (rather tenderhearted) Mannis!

That Puss in Boots category was fucking terrible. I wonder if it was actually Banderas doing the voice acting. Because it was seriously, seriously bad.

I've worked in retail grocery for a single year, and it always pains me to see the produce guys or our bakery people throwing (okay looking) food into the compacter. We don't even use dumpsters anymore to keep the homeless and hungry away, it's kind of sad. Although we do donate what we can to local food banks, and

There aren't going to be space battles, so I am markedly less excited about this whole thing than I was, but that trailer was pretty slick.

More than just this, but maybe a play-through of Persona 3, because while it is mawkish and very overwrought in the style of many JRPG's, I think it does do a decent job trying to capture the essence of humanity's fighting spirit, and also the complex nature of relationships. It also, conveniently has an AI to be an

Don't worry Matt, I bought the Xbox 360/One Version of Destiny (to ostensibly play with my friends) which sucked not only because Destiny was a mediocre game, but because had I bothered to buy any DLC I would have been paying the same price for less content than the PS4/PS3 version. Lesson learned. Really most games

I am going to point out that John Cena has fulfilled over 400 wishes for the Make-A-Wish foundation and is also a fifteen time world champion Dik! One of those things actually matters!

Holy Shit! That's about the only thing I can come up with right now. Still though, I would like to reassure you that you aren't a bad person, and the fact that you seem to feel terrible about the whole thing is good. You just have to clean it up the best you can, and then move right on (possibly with some Twink Dream

Dream boy who also gave you gonorrhea. Or is that sort of a "can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs" kind of thing? I hope this guy works out as a legit fuckbuddy/friend/partner for you though, because he seems to be make you happy.

Final Fantasy XII Cid is my favorite, partly because he is just so insane, but so debonair at the same time. I think we all know where Balthier gets it from.

So who wears the gray wife beater/jeans combo better? Ambrose or Harper?

Man those Harry Potter spin-offs about the Weasleys got weird.

And although neither of them were original hosts, Pat Sajak and Alex Trebek have been at the helms of their respective shows for over 30 years now.

Don't you start on Jeopardy, I know people who will cut a bitch for starting on Jeopardy. And don't let Teti hear you dissing The Price is Right…it could get ugly.

They could tie it up to the Faceless Men using Arya's story-line still. So it is possible.

Unless Tormund is actually Mance, and real Tormund just took Rattleshirt's place at the stake.

You are absolutely right, I got those mixed up. I edited it, but I also shredded my nerd card in deep deep shame.

Look, Stannis was stuck in Dragonstone Storm's End eating boot leather and onions for a year, this is fun for him, don't ruin it.