
I'm glad they seem to be keeping Tyrion and Varys together, and they seem more intent on keeping characters together than Martin ever was. Which is good, because Dinklage sitting on a raft muttering about where whores go went probably wouldn't make for exciting television.

Definitely Fallout 3/New Vegas. I have multiple save files with absurd times on them, and I am willing to start more. I rarely replay games, but Fallout is one of the few exceptions, and I am excited as hell for news about Fallout 4.

Lots of good classics on the PS Store, especially RPG's. Both Persona 3 and 4 are good for JRPG fans, as well as Final Fantasy (I think they have 6-9 on there). As for actual exclusives, The Last of Us is fantastic, inFamous is okay, I liked Heavy Rain, but am wary in recommending it (if you are interested careful for

Probably more Sunset Overdrive for me this weekend, I am ending up enjoying it a lot more than I thought I would, especially after all of the RPG's I have been playing on my 3DS. It's a great palate cleanser because it isn't too difficult, and it ends up just being fun to grind and jump your way around Sunset City

I could never get into DD myself, I got pretty far, fought some Chimeras, killed some bandits and whatnot, and then got bored and stopped playing. It's a shame they aren't doing a proper sequel though (they could have improved some gripes I had), and instead are making a F2P MMO that will probably be terrible.

I always thought Final Fantasy X was the easiest game, just switch your all of your characters in in every battle, especially boss fights, and they all get full experience for that battle, in that way very little grinding is required. Although every boss after Seymour being able to dismiss Aeons with no real work is

Skyrim, goddamn Skyrim. I have resigned myself to never actually finishing that game. I put it in every once in a while, but the story just bores me to tears, and the lore is terrible. I love going around killing people looting dungeons, and doing sidequests (Dark Brotherhood and The Thieves Guild in particular) but

Thanks for another fleeting distraction to occupy our minds, because deep down we all know that death is going to claim us all, Internet!

Buttered Popcorn is the fucking worst flavor, and you are a terrible person for liking them.

Latoya's Raw (and 'Mania) Reviews pushed me back into watching WWE, which is good because Wrestlemania was kind of awesome. I hope she'll keep doing them.

Wait, do people who aren't 12-year-olds in the 90's actually say gnards?

So he couldn't even lose memorably? It's a shame because I thought we were going to get to see an actual dominant champ for a little while. Ah well.

The chants that were directed at the divas, where, from what I've heard, "You Suck/F*ck Cena/Bryan/Tyson/Uso". With suck being an action verb in this case. It didn't come through on TV for me while I was watching the show, but it makes me feel all kinds of icky. Way to give Divas a chance, asshats.

The Alex Rider books get pretty bleak, I read all of them, and by the fifth book I couldn't believe how intricate and ridiculous they got. I mean some of these villains were too over the top for Bond characters.

If you wouldn't be super fucking stoked to be one of the ones who gets to play Plinko or Cliff Hangers (and possibly the hole punching game) on Price, I honestly don't know if I can trust you.

Are…are you okay Teti? It's okay, this is a safe space, nobody is going to hurt you. You can tell us what's going on without having to do a over 2000 word right up of "The Price is Right"…

So how is the free Final Fantasy spin-off game that comes with the $60 demo? I've thought about picking it up.

Yup, my Xbone is having the same problem, I have maybe 6 or 7 games, and I have about 33% of my space left, so I'll have to buy an external hard drive probably before the holiday season, because I have a feeling E3 is going to be stacked this year.

You kill them first, they only use their Thrust Kick (the attack that ejects players) when they are the last enemy standing. So if they are with two soldier guys, you just have to ignore the soldier guys and focus on the robot. If you are just fighting the robots (which does happen) you need to kill them

Oh fuck those enemies (and the Evrae battle). I know exactly what you are talking about, and those robot guys literally just start kicking your guys out of battle when they are the only enemy left. If you know how to deal with it they are easy, but goddammit, they are just huge assholes.