It's very possible we get a sequel announcement at E3 because Bethesda is holding their own press conference. Which is awesome, and hopefully also means a Fallout 4 announcement.
It's very possible we get a sequel announcement at E3 because Bethesda is holding their own press conference. Which is awesome, and hopefully also means a Fallout 4 announcement.
I wonder how any sort of statistics would change peoples' minds on second row DD bets. What percentage correct on second row questions would make it worth always going for the true daily double? Because I think the problem here is mostly loss aversion, even when the losses would be minimal, and the gains potentially…
Gameinformer is okay in terms of content, but their site design is archaic, their best editors are pretty much gone, and their community is a self-important childish joke. I pretty much stick with IGN for most news as well, as they tend to be the quickest, and I fucking stay right out of that comment section.
It feels weird to say compared to the answers which seem more grounded in reality, but I would have to answer Ned Stark. I think that intrinsically he understands that the role of a father and a masculine man is making choices that you yourself can live with, and understanding that what may be best and easiest for you…
It was after a coup for the throne by HBO's CEO of Tits.
So it won't make me go blind?
Awwww, you mean I'll never get sweet, sweet external validiation from random anonymous internet dwellers again? I have to settle for upvotes from all of you people?
I'm honestly going to tell you, because I appreciate what you were trying to do there. Some people use periods and then press enter multiple times, but the pros use html for line breaks, which are as followed, normally entered sans spaces .
Ah fuck, someone told him the odds, didn't they?
That headlock fight was Rousey's last fight before the Cat Zingano fight. It was vs Alexis Davis at UFC 175 last year, and it lasted 16 seconds. I repeat, in her last two fights she has spent 30 seconds fighting.
You know, with some banks, I could almost see that happening, making huge headlines, and then becoming some kind of political talking point etc, etc. The family would appear on the news (obviously good looking, or otherwise sympathetic). The internet would crack snarkily about it, people would donate money, it would…
*Somewhere, a slumbering EA executive awakens, smelling the scent of profit.*
Now what are we going to complain about?
I can still only glimpse the Blue-and-Black for seconds at a time.
…and I wouldn't have it any other way. When it comes down to it, in the face of all the bullshit humanity has to put up with sometimes, it's kind of refreshing to default to absurdity.
I fucking love the internet. Seriously, net neutrality wins, and suddenly, inane bullshit. I also love that this newswire was posted in the middle of the night, like couldn't possibly wait any longer, the dress story is BREAKING NEWS and Teti damn well knows it.
More Persona Q for me this weekend, and I have to say the game drips with charm and fan service. Having never played Etrian Odyssey, I have to say I find the dungeon crawling much more interesting than standard Persona 3/4 fare, as the dungeons are actively working against you, and I fall for pretty much any trap that…
I am so glad Laura's Narnia entry specified real Narnia, and not fucking Heaven allegory Narnia, because fuck that place. I was 14 when I read The Last Battle and I think I may have permanently damaged my eyes when they rolled into the back of my head at the end of the book. Although I will have to specify that I…
I know it might not mean much, but if you have a way to talk to good ole Dik, tell him that we are all rooting for him, and we hope that he can get better, poor guy.
Wait wait wait wait wait. Latoya Ferguson will be reviewing Monday Night Raw? The AV Club is actually going to cover WWE? This should be interesting.