
Still a better love story than Twilight.

You know, I think this is a level of self awareness more companies need to have.

I wonder if a change in their personas will change those 7 deadly sins into the seven virtues. Detailing each persons change of heart.

Good ole Vault 11 (yes I had to look that up), it is a fantastic example of humanity, and an interesting introspective on survival. And looking around for evidence on what happens, and having to piece together the terminal entries and signs was fascinating. I would love to see more stuff like that in open worlds.

I love fast travel. even though yes, it does break immersion. I couldn't even abstain in Skyrim or Fallout, in which walking through the gameworld is purportedly one of the greatest joys. The problem is that regular travel has to be at least somewhat placid in the gameworld, in order to let you get where are going,

Are you two just gonna fuck and get it over with? I just cannot take the sexual tension.

It also doesn't look like Final Fantasy 13, Final Fanasy 13-2, Final Fantasy: Lightning Returns, or Final Fantasy 13.

Team Fuuka (really Aigis, but she doesn't count) and Team Rise for me.

So with the Protagonists being more ambiguous and apparently mischievous this time around I have to wonder if we'll get to see some P3 characters in Shadow Operatives mode. I would love to have some of them make an appearance in an antagonist role because of the P5 characters causing trouble. Of course, I can also

Feeling snarky towards Trebek tonight, huh Jay?

Sorry to hear that Idiotking, I hope things start turning back around for you.

I'm assuming without the AV Club you would probably be much more productive, successful, and slightly more sane…or you would just be 'batin.

Hopefully Idiotking has something for us then, because seriously, what am I supposed to do other than live vicariously through internet comments?

I feel sorry for BIBFAULT, and sorry that this still probably happens, and probably will continue to happen, as long as American culture continues to vilify (mostly women) having sex. I know a Mormon girl, who at 21, didn't know what an orgasm was, and I fucking doubt that her husband will end up telling her. That's

So basically a Telltale game without the tie-in, developed by the people who made Remember Me, and published by Squenix. Why the hell not?

While I do agree with you, he technically used literally right since our current vernacular has deemed it acceptable (but still very sloppy) to use the word "literally" for emphasis in informal situations. The evolution of language can be a cruel mistress.


Arguably the best Powerback in the game today, and one of the most agile, running friendly quarterbacks, and they throw it…jeeez.


Should've just had Lynch run that thing in.