I actually liked that category, and apparently it was Trebek's idea after visiting the memorial site.
I actually liked that category, and apparently it was Trebek's idea after visiting the memorial site.
It's not very effective…
I think we might have a Peter Jackson situation on our hands.
I'd always wanted an Arcanine, it's a fire breathing dog big enough to ride on, what could be cooler?
You are definitely not the only one who does that. I will also take breaks to pour shots while my character does, which makes me feel slightly less sad about drinking alone!
Co-op does make an open world pop, but it also helps more linear gameplay, because you can plan and work together at whatever goal you have. The enemies in Gears of War and Halo are much less intimidating and your deaths are much less frustrating when you have a friend at your side. Co-op is the only way I've been…
And then she made an ad hominem attack by accusing him of being high and switched over to a doctor who agreed with her, she is the human equivalent of a dumpster fire.
At least it comes with garbage bags, so you can throw this crap right where it belongs.
You mean the guy who gets a shit ton of money for a song he did absolutely no work on is cool with the whole thing? What a world.
I'm sad that it has to come to this. I trusted them.
And they should know oddities like EGOT's and notable snubs, and interesting factoids like multiples.
Christine gambled on Brian's lack of knowledge and deserved to win. Seriously I thought it was fairly common knowledge that Leo DiCaprio has never won an Oscar, it seems like something a Jeopardy contestant should know. Brian's answer was asinine.
That was a good game, I don't know if Christine has what it takes to go far, but she's got moxie, and that's good enough for me.
I am not able to gold the puzzles (currently), but if I decide to go around again I can probably make that a priority and manage to view some of the endings. Aren't there like 8 of them or something?
I come here for pop culture, I'm leaving with pot pie recipes, Good Job Internet!
I like racing games, but the go to is usually Forza, which is enough for me. Although I would like to see a Triple A car combat or cart racing game make a comeback on somewhere that isn't a Nintendo console. Split/Second is the closest we've gotten, and I never played that, and it didn't get very good reviews.
Will played terribly tonight, someone please get him out of here. He got super lucky that both his opponents bet it all, but he was seriously opening his mouth without thinking on literally half his questions.
To be fair, there were two different categories, one was N-P-R and the other was National Public Radio. So they were kind of locked into that one.
Like he wasn't already having himself a little drink.
Its about ethics in ball inflation journalism?