
Man, Patriots fans are in full blown defensive mode everywhere on the internet lately, jeeeeez.

What about that Anime they did, Knights of Sidonia or whatever, is that any good?

Mareva Taun? Fuck if I know.

Abolitionist!? Ab Master!? Absolute Zero!? ABBA!?

I'm partial to Portal myself. The first person view did a good job of making some of the more complicated puzzles disorientating, some of the drops terrifying and some of the puzzles more memorable. I know they are not really super focused on the view, but it would feel fundamentally wrong to play Portal in third

I would hope that whoever was moderating the posts found a way to help him, maybe by giving his IP address to some sort of authorities, but who can really be sure? There is unfortunately nothing any of us can do, I'm afraid. And while I know some people will find it silly that I'm worrying about what will probably,

I'm more than a little unnerved at that particular series of pictures, shouldn't someone do something? Is someone doing something? I just don't know, but I hope that those pictures are either some sort of hoax, or someone is genuinely helping that particular person with that particular problem. No one deserves to be

You shut your goddamn mouth about my Hodor/Ser Pounce/Mance Rayder slashfic, I worked hard on that shit. Made sure that it was perfectly feasible in the established lore, built up a credible situation for that pairing to be in the throne room alone, and I even made the twist worthy of GRRM. I just don't want to hear

Dammit Amanda, you were the chosen one! Anyway one and out for Nicholas too I would imagine, this game was just underwhelming. Although I will admit they had some fairly difficult categories today.

Jesus Fuck, you guys weren't lying about Fatman, I almost feel sorry for the poor bastard.


I've spoken on this before, but I love the fact that Ramsay and Cersei are untouchable because of their positions in the story as rulers, which makes your character afraid, and makes it so they want to appease them. They are also invincible for another reason, though, and that's because they have, on the timeline the

I got my first inclusion last week, it just feels good when it happens.

That's probably right, although they do sometimes subscribe to a less is more philosophy on FJ, so there might have been a chance. Isn't that how you kill yourself on those longer answers, by writing too saying too much (hence the tendency to stick to last names)? Like John kind of rambled off there at the end.

I mostly try to inhabit the role of my character, in Mass Effect, for instance, I was almost always Paragon, because a space hero should be larger than life.I probably roleplay the most in Telltale's games though. I mean it's very easy to inhabit the character in these stories, so when, for instance, I was playing as

And John goes down, to a cute high school teacher with a wicked buzzer finger and an even better head for trivia (who also helps underprivileged kids! Swoon!). Here's hoping she makes a decent run.

I was surprised the contestants left that SCOTUS category until the end though, I mean it was about Landmark SCOTUS decisions, which should by definition be well known, and right in most Jeopardy contestants wheelhouses.

I can now say for certain that the sexual tension between you and Dik is just way too high, just fuck and get it over with you two!

Everyone should know how to do line breaks

My resolution is to try and actually finish some games, I'm terrible about that for everything but RPGs, and that's mostly because I expect to have to grind sometimes in RPGs. It doesn't help that the games I choose are often long and sometimes very involved.